Sunday, August 26

A Classroom Takes Shape!


Well, Trinity Meadows Intermediate School has a new teacher! Click on the picture above to go to the web album with us getting the classroom ready! From the picture above, you can see the boxes, my computer desk, my storage area, and plenty of boxes. If you click on the link, you will see the progress that Linda, Drew and I made Sat getting the room ready. We will be going up today (Sunday) and getting labels for the desks, etc. and preparing for the kids to come to class on Monday (TOMORROW!)

Yes, Mr. A is EXCITED!

Saturday, August 25

Mr. A is a TEACHER!

Meet the newest teacher at Trinity Meadows Intermediate School in Keller, Texas! After I had given up on teaching, handed it over to God and was pretty sure that the only chance that I would be in a classroom again would be after a year of Job Fairs, I was offered a job! Not just a job, but a teaching job! I will be teaching 5th grade Math and Science. As you can see by the picture above, at a Beautiful school. From my meeting my team teachers, the teachers are just as beautiful as the building, if not more so.

I received a call Wed. night from Dr. Meyers (who happens to be an Okie from OU!) to come in for an interview. I went in at 8 AM and, after calling all my references (God Bless Them!), he called to tell me he was recommending me for the job of 5th Grade Math and Science Thurs evening. However, that was not a 'done deal', it would be up to the head of Human Resources to actually make an offer. I would have to wait until 2:09 PM on Friday for that to come through.

"Would you be interested in accepting the postion at" TMIS? Of course, I had to avoid answering "DUH? Ya think?" LOL I accepted and am getting ready to go up around 9 to get my room ready and show my wife and son the room! Notice this entry is going in at 5:48 AM? Sleeping is not easy tonight! I am 'Patiently' waiting until 9 AM so Linda, Drew and I can go up and put things together in the classroom, one that has NEVER been used to teach in! WOW! A lot of work for today and tomorrow since I will have 26 or so shining faces at 7:35 AM Monday morning sitting in those desks that I have yet to unstack and arrange!

I cannot begin to express the way that prayer has influenced this in mine and my family's life. Even the school name itself, "Trinity" cannot be a mere coincidence. I am working in a school that is only 6 miles from my house! I could not have imagined such blessings, only in the mind of God. Our family has Hope, Blessings, so much to be thankful for. We have family and friends that have supported us with prayers, gifts from the heart that have all carried us through. Thank you all for what you have done and continue to do for us. I have always said that I do not deserve the multitude of blessings that God showers upon me but I am definitely, humbly, thankful for them all.

God Bless you all.

Monday, August 20

Before and after with the China Cabinet

Before, the China Cabinet was White. Though very pretty, it washed out the white china...

After the renovation, it is "mocha", the china should show very nicely.

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Monday, August 13

Teaching ....

Well, teaching does not seem to be in the future here in Texas. As of today, I did not get the last two jobs I interviewed for. It looks like telecommunications/distance learning will be, at least, the immediate future.

I guess discernment of where God is directing me is the direction for my future at this point in time.

Hot diggity dog is not going to be my quotable quote for awhile.

Sunday, August 5

Finally, the rest of the house

Linda's and my room
More of the room
Our garage (and it actually will fit BOTH cars!)
Room for one more!
August 11 - Well, over the past week I have interviewed with Fort Worth and Dallas. Fort Worth sounds exciting, I would teach 6th Grade Social Studies at a 6th Grade center there. Dallas is an inner city middle school which presents some challenges. Being a History major, the Social Studies is the one that I am really hoping for. Monday will be the big day, I am supposed to hear from both of them at that time.
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Drew's New Room

From the front looking in, Drew's Room
Drew's futon looking out the door
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More of the house

This is our kitchen

This is our Dining room and Living room (in the previous post was the Family Room)

Our Entry way

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Our New House

We just can't begin to say how proud we are of the new house. Here is the front.
Our back porch has a terrific view of the park which is right out the back gate.
Drew is lounging in the family room on our lawn furniture (which, one day will be something other than lawn motiff.)
Another view of the family room.
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Wednesday, August 1

God Bless Texas!

Well, sometimes this has been a rocky move but, all in all, it has been smooth. Last Thursday, we rolled into Keller with our 24 foot Budget moving truck - Let me clarify, Thursday MORNING at 1:30 AM we rolled into Keller! We pulled out something to sleep on (Sounds easy, but we pulled for an hour and a half to get to the mattresses to sleep on!).

By Friday, we had the truck emptied with Linda, Andrew, and Frances with me to get 'er' done. I am not sure if any of us thought that we could make it but we did. Andrew has his own room and, I am pretty sure, he thinks it is pretty cool. Actually, I think it is pretty cool too! We are planted on our lawn furniture in the living room - that is different. We have the garage cleaned out and can actually get both cars in it!

I don't have my car yet, that is what the trip to pick up Drew will accomplish along with a family visit.

On moving day, I was absolutely floored when I received an email from my cousin Terrie! I can't express how wonderful it was to talk to her! She called the next day and we visited for over an hour. I later received a call from her little brother, Bill and we visited for an hour as well! The reunion of our family is such a wonderful part of this move!

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