Sunday, February 24

Education Reporting, Inc.: What is teaching ....

Education Reporting, Inc.: What is teaching ....

Click on the Link above to see the video.

Being a teacher is an awesome opportunity.....having some insight into making my self a better teacher makes it more meaningful. Teaching gets boring or turns into a J.O.B. when I don't have my full energy ... without a doubt, it's the most demanding effort I've undertaken.This video expresses so much and because I enjoy learning visually, I had to share it with you here. Enjoy.

This is from Education Reporting Blog.

Saturday, February 23

Obama, Youth, Promise? Promise WHAT?

  • I received this from Michael Demma, at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton and thought it is really good to pass along in it's entirety. I will make some additions and comments along the way.
It is hard to take a strong position given the other candidate is so weak. I will vote for McCain but only because I am compelled through my belief in God to stop Obama. It is a shame we as citizen of the greatest country on earth are subjected to choose from this pool. I, like many, wonder where have all the leaders gone.

Today I read a headline that thoroughly concerns me.


It made me wonder, are we as parents failing to discuss the real issues and letting our children be influenced by the media?

So I took my own straw poll. I began asking teens starting with my own grandchildren and teens around our church. I found that it is true. Our teens seem to be enthralled with the youth and rhetoric of Obama.
  • We as a nation, have always been enamoured by youth, look at Kennedy and, more rcently, Clinton. We have only to persieve youth to be excited at the prospect.
When asked if they understood the real issues they defined the issue as “the US needs change”.

While that is certainly true, the question is what change and how will the change occur?
  • More importantly, one has to use the word "Change" to bring a measure of excitement. No matter what the "change" is, it is exciting. Our youth, and population in general, do not really look at real issues, just the promises. At this point, we are facing a promise of change that is close to what Lenin promised and Mao promise. No matter that is is not healthy, it is "Change".

We need fair judges to interpret the constitution not write law. The youth did not know of the issue of appointing Supreme Court Judges and the impact that would have on the future.

We need leaders who will protect our right to Democracy not socialism. By the way the teens could not tell me what socialism is. They thought the plan for national health care was a good thing to give all people medical services. When asked who is not receiving services and how many they could not tell me. When asked of the success of national health care in other countries they could not answer. If you know people in Canada ask them they will tell you it is expensive and it is dismal. We have done such a great job with Social security now is the time to screw up our medical system.
  • Isn't that the way that Satan works? What sounds good on the surface? It doesn't sound good to say that people are denied health care because they can't afford it. It does not sound good that children are not getting proper health care. It sounds so good, in fact, that those that oppose such a socialized system sound evil! We are in the same boat with our "Green quasi-religion". It sounds almost evil if you don't prescribe to the green stuff that is being preached but one has to scratch below the surface. What will it cost? What will it cost our environment? Our nation?

We need leaders who are going to restore pride in America not try to convince us that during the most prosperous years of this country we should all be crying gloom and doom.
  • Are we in a situation in this country where, if you say a lie often enough, loud enough, that it becomes perseived as the truth?

When asked what the candidate’s position is on abortion the youth did not know did not know. Some said he is pro family but did not know what that meant. When told he was not only a firm supporter of abortion but an activist for it, they were amazed. How could they support a candidate for abortion? One asked me “If that is true how can my mother support him?” A good question for all Christians.

What are our social studies teachers doing?

But then again, the pointing finger has three more pointing back. What are we doing with our children and grandchildren? Are we having frank discussions with them? Do we discuss what the media and unfortunately the teachers and professors fill their minds with?
  • It always falls back to the parents but also our society. Our teachers have hands tied. We cannot speak for the majority anymore, even if that is Christian in name. We cannot upset the minority, which may espouse values contrary to the majority. By using false views of history, by using such things as comparing the majority rule to abuse of majority rule, we cannot teach that majority view. We are confronted with a false example such as white abuse of the black minority, which is not the same.
Have a conversation with a teen or college student today. Ask them what is going on in their world and help them understand the truth.

We are the change agent not the media or the candidate. We cannot allow Obama to kill 1/3 of our next generation through abortion.

Thanks for listening

Sunday, February 17


Lest we forget who she really is...


Hillary Clinton has been telling America that she is the most qualified candidate for president based on her "record," which she says includes her eight years in the White House as First Lady - or "co-president" and her seven years in the Senate. Here is a reminder of what that record includes:
- As First Lady, Hillary assumed authority over Health Care Reform, a process that cost the taxpayers over $13 million. She told both Bill Bradley and Pat Moynahan, key votes needed to pass her legislation, that she would "demonize "anyone who opposed it. But it was opposed; she couldn't even get it to a vote in a Congress controlled by her own party. (And in the next election, her party lost control of both the House and Senate.)
- Hillary assumed authority over selecting a female Attorney General. Her first two recommendations (Zoe Baird and Kimba Wood) were forced to withdraw their names from consideration, and then she chose Janet Reno. Janet Reno has since been described by Bill himself as "my worst mistake."
- Hillary recommended Lani Guanier for head of the Civil Rights Commission. When Guanier's radical views became known, her name had to be withdrawn.
- Hillary recommended her former law partners, Web Hubbell, Vince Foster, and William Kennedy for positions in the Justice Department, White House staff, and the Treasury,respectively. Hubbell was later imprisoned, Foster committed suicide, and Kennedy was forced to resign.
- Hillary also recommended a close friend of the Clintons, Craig Livingstone for the position of director of White House security. When Livingstone was investigated for the improper access of up to 900 FBI files of Clinton enemies (Filegate) and the widespread use of drugs by White House staff, both Hillary and her husband denied knowing him. (FBI agent Dennis Sculimbrene Confirmed in a Senate Judiciary Committee in 1996 both the drug use and Hillary's involvement in hiring Livingst one. After that, the FBI closed its White House Liaison Office, after serving seven presidents for over thirty years.)
- In order to open "slots" in the White House for her friends the Harry Thomasons (to whom millions of dollars in travel contracts could be awarded), Hillary had the entire staff of the White House Travel Office fired; they were reported to the FBI for "gross mismanagement" and their reputations ruined. After a thirty-month investigation, only one, Billy Dale, was charged with a crime - mixing personal money with White House funds when he cashed checks. The jury acquitted him in less than two hours.
- Another of Hillary's assumed duties was directing the "bimbo eruption squad" and scandal defense: ---- She urged her husband not to settle the Paula Jones lawsuit ---- She refused to release the Whitewater documents, which led to the appointment of Ken Starr as Special Prosecutor After $80 million dollars of taxpayer money was spent, Starr's investigation led to Monica Lewinsky, which led to Bill lying about and later admitting his affairs.
---- Then they had to settle with Paula Jones after all.
---- And Bill lost his law license for lying to the grand jury.
---- And Bill was impeached by the House.
---- And Hillary almost got herself indicted for perjury and obstruction of justice (she avoided it mostly because she repeated, "I do not recall," "I have no recollection," and "I don't know" 56 times under oath).
---- And don't forget her part in Vince Foster's "suicide".
---- Hillary wrote "It Takes a Village," demonstrating her Socialist viewpoint.
- Hillary decided to seek election to the Senate in a state she had never lived in. Her husband pardoned FALN terrorists in order to get Latino support and the New Square Hassidim to get Jewish support. Hillary also had Bill pardon her brother's clients, for a small fee, to get financial support.
- Then Hillary left the White House, but later had to return $200,000 in White House furniture, china, and artwork she had stolen
- In the campaign for the Senate, Hillary played the "woman card" by portraying her opponent (Lazio) as a bully picking on her.
- Hillary's husband further protected her by asking the National Archives to withhold from the public until 2012 many records of their time in the White House, including much of Hillary's correspondence and her calendars. (There are ongoing lawsuits to force the release of those records.)
- As the junior Senator from New York, Hillary has passed no major legislation. She has deferred to the senior Senator (Schumer) to tend to the needs of New Yorkers, even on the hot issue of medical problems of workers involved in the cleanup of Ground Zero after 9/11.
- Hillary's one notable vote, supporting the plan to invade Iraq, she has since disavowed.
Quite a resume, isn't it?

Saturday, February 2

Trying another Video

This is a short tribute to Shirley Beio, my mother, on her birthday. This is the first birthday we will have without her to celebrate.

Rodeo Day at Rainee's School

Well, this is a first for me and the Arroyo Family Blog - VLOG! We are uploading a new VIDEO! This is Rodeo Day at Rainee's school on Feb 1st, 2008. Full of activities, the video is our first attempt at performing full editing and captions for a video, let alone uploading it to our web site! Be kind, enjoy, there should be more to come.

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