Tuesday, August 29

Traditional Catholic Apologetics.net

Traditional Catholic Apologetics.net Welcome To Traditional Catholic Apologetics:

I try to bring you some interesting sites as I find them:

"The Goal of this web-page is to assist Catholics in learning and defending their Faith against the enemies of Christ's One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. Christ promised 'The gates of hell shall not prevail against' (Matt16:17) The Church which he built upon the 'Rock' (Peter). But we can be sure the forces of Satan will try. We provide a large section of almost SIX HUNDRED 'apologetics' articles, geared to answering a vast number of the more common Protestant objections to our Catholic faith.

With such splendid online Catholic apologetics books as "What say you", "The Question Box" , 'Faith of our Fathers' and the THE ONLY COMPLETE ONLINE EDITION (all four volumes!!) of "Radio Replies", Traditional Catholic Apologetics has over 7000 READY REPLIES for many of most common questions on Catholicism, Protestantism, Judaism, Paganism and Communism.

We also have included a large selection of articles dealing with the sacred scriptures which include a huge Apologetics Bible Concordance that contains the complete verses for each topic, in many cases it has supporting citations in the early church fathers as well . We also have information about the Douay-Rheims. We have many of articles defending the use of the Deuterocanonical books.

Not only do we have a large number articles defending Holy Mother Church and her teachings and her Bible, but we are the largest Catholic resource on the internet for information about the errors and changes found in the Protestant Bibles, such as the King James Version and the New International Version. "

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