Monday was Groundhog's Day, which has a special significance in our family. Groundhog's Day is our Mother's birthday, Feb. 2nd, 1938. Mother passed away on Dec. 11th, 2007.
It was a strange day. I watched the Groundhog Monday morning and thought of our running joke over the years. When I was little, Grandma or Grandpa would make acomment asking Mother if she had seen her shadow. When I was old enough, and when Iwas calling home on her birthday, our opening comment was, not Happy Birthday, but“Did you see your shadow today?”
This and last year was missing that little, silly joke as simple as it was. I thought a bit on Monday and wondered, “Who do I call or tell this story to today?”
Thanks for remembering, Ron and Christina, I do appreciate the opportunity to tell this little story, which has been told over and over again the last 50 or more years (47 of which I lived through).
In a few more days, we come upon Feb 14th, Valentines Day, that was Grandpa’s birthday and where is the “Valentine” in our family now?
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