Well, I don't think that any family or friends have any question by now of who I will be voting for or what values we espouse. Today Linda and I went to the Tulsa County Election Board to vote early. This is the first time we have taken advantage of voting early (heck, we didn't even know that there was such a thing, isn't Tuesday Election Day?)

Well, we heard of the long lines yesterday and today it was open from 8 AM to 1 PM. WOW! You should have seen the lines! I have a couple of pictures, just to give an idea but I doubt they will tell the story.

We continue to pray for the Unborn, Choose LIFE!
To us the choice was a no brainer.
We voted our values and that was a very clear one. There is only one party that stands for Biblical values. Without saying which that is does anyone not have a clue.
I am sorry but Values trump any other consideration every time.
I guess to even use the word "Choice" today gives an impression that really is the opposite. "Choice" is not something that the unborn have, is it? We are cautiously optimistic when we see McCain gaining in the polls. We are praying hard that this election, which is probably the most important in memory, we can see a victory for Biblical and Christian values.
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