Bob L. McGrew
4/1/1941 - 11/7/2008
Memories from his cousin, Ron Ellison
Bobby as (I always knew him), was my closest cousin growing up. We in our pre and early teens, had paled together quit a lot. I remember the times we went to the Downtown YMCA together and also explored Tulsa's underground tunnels. Or taking in a western movie where Bobby would always want to sit in the very front row. I remember the many times we spent the night together at each others houses.
As a very young boy, Bobby would earn extra money by being a caddy at Golf Courses.
Later we attended Inola High School at the same time. He a freshman and me a Sophomore. At that time I remember Bobby and I using picks to dig a hole in their yard to put in a storm cellar. We didn't know what we were getting into digging out that hard clay. Later we both got a calf to raise. We didn't turn out to be very good ranchers. I remember times we would go down to their pond, and Bobby would find snakes and grab them by the tail and try to snap off their head. He was amazing!
After High School I heard about him being stationed in Florida when the missile crises was going on in Cuba. I remember being proud of him serving his country in the Army. I was proud of him again when I realized he had become a police officer in Tulsa and later in Broken Arrow.
Bobby was a quiet man, and very intelligent. I knew him to be sensitive, but yet strong in his own way, and perhaps greatly misunderstood by many.
Toward the end he showed a lot of courage and patients under very difficult circumstances. Bobby never lost his sense of humor.
Life will not be the same without him. I will miss you Bobby.
Your cuz, Ron