Wednesday, December 31

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

From Christmas Village

Matthew and Chelsea were over for our Christmas Celebration on Friday, Dec. 26th.
From Christmas Village

Amiya and Matthew Jr. with Daddy

From Christmas Village

Grandpa with Madison Arroyo

From Christmas Village

Chasity, Chandler and Cayden Arroyo came over to Grandma and Grandpa's on Christmas Day.

From Christmas Village 2007 - 08 - Christmas 08

Frances and Brody

From Christmas Village 2007 - 08 - Christmas 08

Landon and Kayla

Wednesday, December 17

Partridge in a Pear Tree

From 1558 to 1829, Roman Catholics in Europe were not allowed to practice their faith openly. Someone wrote the carol as a catechism song for the children. The words have a coded meaning, which helped the children to learn and remember the religious doctrine.

  • The partridge in the pear tree was Jesus Christ.
  • Two turtle doves were the Old and New Testaments.
  • Three French hens represented faith, hope and love.
  • Four calling birds were the four gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
  • Five golden rings were reminders of the first five books of the Old Testament: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy.
  • Six geese a-laying stood for the six days of creation.
  • Seven swans a-swimming represented the seven gifts from the Holy Spirit: Prophecy, Serving, Teaching, Exhortation, Contribution, Leadership and Mercy.
  • Eight maids a-milking were the eight beatitudes.
  • Nine ladies dancing were the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit: Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self Control.
  • Ten lords a-leaping were the Ten Commandments.
  • Eleven pipers piping stood for the eleven faithful disciples.
  • Twelve drummers drumming represented the twelve points of belief of the Apostles' Creed.

Monday, December 15

JingleBells - KofC Christmas Party

Another view from the Christmas Party with Rainee, Chloe, and Alec.
Merry Christmas from the Arroyo Family to yours!

Knights of Columbus Christmas Party

Alec singing with Santa.

Sunday, December 14

Arroyo Christmas Preparations

From Christmas Village

From Christmas Village

The Arroyo Christmas Village has expanded this year to include a Nativity Scene, School, Mayor's Mansion, roads etc.

From The Arroyo Family

Rainee decorates the Christmas Tree

From The Arroyo Family

Grandma and Rainee preparing the decorations

Holly and Rainee - Taking a little break

Almost done, Rainee has completed most of the decorations

Merry Christmas from the Arroyo Family to yours.

Wednesday, December 10

December to Remember

Well, not all memories are good memories. A year ago December 11th, Shirley Beio passed away. The ice storm plagued Tulsa and, amidst it all, we were trying to get a memorial service together.

The day before the memorial, Destiny Arroyo was born, just in time for the memorial. Her father, today, has hit rock bottom and is awaiting his own destiny. His fate is in the hands of God. Many of you, family, friends, know the circumstances. Suffice it to say he needs our prayers.

Tuesday, December 9

Happy Thanksgiving from the Arroyo's

Well, this Thanksgiving has its ups and downs for our family.

On the ups side: Linda was able to spend her first Thanksgiving weekend with her sisters since, well, since she has been an adult! She went to Hot Springs to visit Judy and Anet and had a great weekend with her family.

Linda and I spent the actual Thanksgiving day together alone. All of our kids and grandkids were at in-laws and out-laws family get-to-gethers and we celebrated God's Blessings together.

Keep Jose', my oldest son, in your prayers. He has hit his rock bottom and the outlook is bleak for his future. It seemed like he was getting his life together, going to school and working but he backslid and his luck ran out. His reliance now has to be on God. We are keeping him in prayers and ask you to do the same.

My job situation has become brighter. I was going through a crisis in vocation. What has God gotten me into? Well, prayers have been answered and things are brighter in my chosen profession. They have not become easy, by any means, but brighter just the same.

Wednesday, December 3


VATICAN CITY, 1 DEC 2008 (VIS) - Pope Benedict's general prayer intention for December is: "That, faced by the growing expansion of the culture of violence and death, the Church may courageously promote the culture of life through all her apostolic and missionary activities".

His mission intention is: "That, especially in mission countries, Christians may show through gestures of brotherliness that the Child born in the grotto in Bethlehem is the luminous Hope of the world".

Monday, November 24

Fathers For Good

Fathers for Good is an initiative for men by the Knights of Columbus which seeks to provide support for fathers in their vocation as fathers, husbands, and faithful Christian Men. I am providing a link here to this new web site in hopes that some of my family and friends can benefit from this new website.

Hear podcasts from college men and woman talking about the importance of their fathers in their lives.

Also New on Fathers for Good:

· A report from an inspiring men's spirituality conference
· A Father's Blog about faith and politics

Vivat Jesus!

Sir Knight J.A. Arroyo

Knight of Columbus

Wednesday, November 19

I voted my Conscience

Well, by now we know who will be the next President of the United States, Barack Obama. He was not my choice, I do not agree with the politics he supports. He is not a man that defends life and, in fact, he will destroy life.

Our task now is to pray for his conversion, particularly for his Vice President, Joe Biden. Mr. Biden is a Catholic who should defend his Catholic values but has hidden from them. We must pray for their return to the values which God calls them to support, life. This country is special, it has been a beacon of morality for many years, a beacon of democracy. Now, we hope that this 'beacon' or 'City on a Hill' returns to the values which made her great.

Obama will be our President, we must pray for him and for our country.

Monday, November 10

Visit from the Cousins

Terrie is trying her hand at Skip Bo! We had an incredible visit with Terrie and Bill. I know that this was not the best reasons to get together but it was fantastic to get to see them again. It is hard to believe that it has been at least 18 years since Terrie and I have been in the same room together. This is the first time that Terrie was able to meet Linda. In fact, this was the first time that Bill met her as well. Believe it or not, Bill stuck around to see his new grandchild! Now, does that tell you how we have let time fly!?

Linda showed Bill and Terrie how to play Skip Bo! Now, Linda is serious about her Skip Bo (I am usually not brave enough to play her!) Those hands in the background belong to Christina. Pat, Christina, Amanda, Rob, Linda and I joined Terrie and Bill at our house for steaks and a grilled meal Sat. Night.
We gathered together as a family to mourn the passing of Uncle Bobby but renewed family ties over the weekend. We hope that the economy will work with us so that we can gather together again soon.
I had to throw in the video as well! Enjoy our playing around at the Arroyo's!

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Friday, November 7

Bobby Lee McGrew - Memories from Ron

Bob L. McGrew
4/1/1941 - 11/7/2008

Memories from his cousin, Ron Ellison

Bobby as (I always knew him), was my closest cousin growing up. We in our pre and early teens, had paled together quit a lot. I remember the times we went to the Downtown YMCA together and also explored Tulsa's underground tunnels. Or taking in a western movie where Bobby would always want to sit in the very front row. I remember the many times we spent the night together at each others houses.

As a very young boy, Bobby would earn extra money by being a caddy at Golf Courses.

Later we attended Inola High School at the same time. He a freshman and me a Sophomore. At that time I remember Bobby and I using picks to dig a hole in their yard to put in a storm cellar. We didn't know what we were getting into digging out that hard clay. Later we both got a calf to raise. We didn't turn out to be very good ranchers. I remember times we would go down to their pond, and Bobby would find snakes and grab them by the tail and try to snap off their head. He was amazing!

After High School I heard about him being stationed in Florida when the missile crises was going on in Cuba. I remember being proud of him serving his country in the Army. I was proud of him again when I realized he had become a police officer in Tulsa and later in Broken Arrow.

Bobby was a quiet man, and very intelligent. I knew him to be sensitive, but yet strong in his own way, and perhaps greatly misunderstood by many.

Toward the end he showed a lot of courage and patients under very difficult circumstances. Bobby never lost his sense of humor.

Life will not be the same without him. I will miss you Bobby.

Your cuz, Ron

Wednesday, November 5

Bobby Lee McGrew

This is a bit of an older picture of Uncle Bobby. Last year, not quite 11 months ago, his sister, Shirley, my mother, died (Dec. 11th). Tonight, Uncle Bobby is in intensive care at St. Francis after suffering a brain aneurysm and stroke about 1:00 PM today.

Especially keep his daughter, Terrie Perry and son, Bill McGrew, in prayers, they are scattered across the country tonight and can't be here. (Update: Bill and Terrie should arrive this morning, Friday, around 9:30 AM. Christina and I are hopeful that they will arrive in time to see their father and say their 'good-byes'. Bobby is 67.)

I will keep you apprised of his condition and keep him in your prayers.....
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Sunday, November 2



VATICAN CITY, 31 OCT 2008 (VIS) - Benedict's general prayer intention for November is: "That the testimony of love offered by the saints may fortify Christians in their devotion to God and their neighbor, imitating Christ who came to serve and not to be served".

His mission intention is: "That the Christian communities of Asia, contemplating the face of Christ, may know how to find the most suitable ways to announce Him, in full faithfulness to the Gospel, to the people of that vast continent so rich in culture and ancient forms of spirituality".

Saturday, November 1

Decision 2008

Well, I don't think that any family or friends have any question by now of who I will be voting for or what values we espouse. Today Linda and I went to the Tulsa County Election Board to vote early. This is the first time we have taken advantage of voting early (heck, we didn't even know that there was such a thing, isn't Tuesday Election Day?)

Well, we heard of the long lines yesterday and today it was open from 8 AM to 1 PM. WOW! You should have seen the lines! I have a couple of pictures, just to give an idea but I doubt they will tell the story.
We continue to pray for the Unborn, Choose LIFE!

Sunday, October 26

A Message from Fr. Farnan

I am reprinting this message in response to the very important question, how do we, as Christians, vote our conscious?

This came from my Catholic Men's Fellowship email. Father James Farnan, our popular NFCM Channel 1 podcasters delivered a courageous homily on October 18th. He exhorted his parishioners to embrace faithful citizenship & respect for life. A few parishioners walked out of the Mass during his homily and immediately transferred parishes. However, he received a resounding applause from a majority of the parish. The text of his homily is attached to this email. Please forward it to others!

• As a priest, I am called to order myself to Christ. And sometimes, in my priesthood, I feel like I literally live out Sacred Scripture in imitation of Christ – in prayer, for example, or in my ministry bringing grace and peace, and in many innumerable circumstances of life. That’s exactly what I felt like when I first read this gospel, I’ve been in the position Jesus is in! But the question has been a little different.
• I can’t tell you how many times in the last few months I have been approached like this:
• “Father, we know that you are a truthful man and that you teach the way of God in accordance with the truth. And you are not concerned with anyone's opinion, for you do not regard a person's status. Tell us, then, what is your opinion: can I vote for a politician who is pro-abortion?”
• I kind of know how Jesus must have felt in our Gospel today.
o Are they “plotting how they might entrap me”? Are they being malicious?
o Or do they really want to know? How open are we to the Truth, to what Jesus might say to us if we challenged him with any question, but especially THAT question?
o But I know this parish, and I don’t find you malicious. These are real questions because this is a real problem for people. An it is a volatile issue…I would not think of addressing it but so many of you have asked me. You, like me, want to know the truth. And we pursue that knowledge, and love the Truth when we discover it.
o But the question won’t go away…Can I vote for a politician who is pro-abortion?
o I guess every Father gets asked tough questions and has to answer them…

• We all need to inform and follow our consciences on this issue.
• Let’s look at the Church teaching.
• Let’s look at our Tradition.
• Let’s look at Sacred Scripture.
• Frtunately we have the Holy Spirit leading the apostles in our midst, our Bishops, to help us answer that question.
• Let’s start at home. Last week Bishop Zubik, our Apostle, the primary teacher in our diocese, released a statement and published it on the front page of our diocesan Newspaper, the Pittsburgh Catholic.
o To assist you in understanding what the teachings of the Church are regarding the various campaign issues, I would recommend that you consult with the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the United States Catholic Catechism for Adults or the Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church. Moreover, you might also want to secure a copy of Faithful Citizenship. Since the presidential election of 1976 and every four years, we the Bishops have offered updated versions of this important document to assist voters as they exercise their voting rights coupled with the responsibility of an understanding of the issues from the perspective of faith.
o The primary theme of Faithful Citizenship is the right to life and the dignity of every human person. As the United States Bishops made clear, this is the foundation of a moral vision for society. We cannot dismiss this foundational principle as secondary in our thinking. As the bishops insist, we cannot consider abortion or euthanasia as merely two issues among many to be weighed or dismissed with a shrug.

• Those are strong words from our chief shepherd. Unprecedented in his Episcopal tenure. He must feel strongly, and the Holy Spirit must be moving in a powerful way in his soul. But he is not alone.
o U.S. Catholic bishops affirmed in 2008 when they released “Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship,” that, in accord with Vatican statements, a “consistent ethic of life [which] neither treats all issues as morally equivalent nor reduces Catholic teaching to one or two issues.” Life issues, like abortion are a defining issue, according to our bishops; in other words a deal breaker.
o This makes sense, as the Church has always taught that abortion is a grave evil. In the Spirit of Vatican II we see this theme: “[T]he human being is to be … treated as a person from the moment of conception,” Evangelium Vitae, no. 60. And from the Vatican’s “Instruction on Bioethics” published in 1987, we are taught that “The law must provide appropriate “penal sanctions for every deliberate violation of the child’s rights.”
o But wait, there’s more. In 2004, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, now Pope Benedict XVI, in a letter to the American bishops, said: “Not all moral issues have the same weight as abortion and euthanasia. For example, if a Catholic were to be at odds with the Holy Father on the application of capital punishment or on the decision to wage war, he would not for that reason be considered unworthy to present himself to receive Holy Communion. While the Church exhorts civil authorities to seek peace, not war, and to exercise discretion and mercy in imposing punishment on criminals, it may still be permissible to take up arms to repel an aggressor or to have recourse to capital punishment. There may be a legitimate diversity of opinion even among Catholics about waging war and applying the death penalty, but not however with regard to abortion and euthanasia.”
o And more recently from Bishop Lori, the Bishop of the Diocese of Bridgeport (Connecticut) and Chair of the USCCB Committee on Doctrine, we get this: “It would be refreshing if we could find candidates whose records, party platforms, and personal commitments embody the full range of the Church’s social teaching, reasonable as that teaching is. Unfortunately that seldom happens. That is why we must have a well-formed conscience capable of giving each issue its proper moral weight and making other important distinctions and judgments. For example, a Catholic may never vote for candidates precisely because they advocate and advance intrinsic moral evils like abortion; to do so is to cooperate formally (intentionally) with a grave evil. And while Faithful Citizenship acknowledges that one may vote for a politician who supports pro-abortion policies “only for truly grave moral reasons,” a conscientious voter must question what grave moral issue rises to the level of nearly 49 million lives lost to the evil of abortion.
In our tradition, there has never been a time in the 2000 years we’ve been around when we have ever supported or encouraged abortion, or taught the same. In fact, as early as the second century Church catechisms spoke directly against disregarding innocent human life inside and outside the womb.

• My dear sisters and brothers in Christ, we need not look any farther than Sacred Scripture and Divine Revelation in helping to form our consciences…Recall that during the annunciation the Angel Gabriel tells Mary about her cousin Elizabeth being pregnant. Immediately afterwards, Mary travels in haste to her side. Upon her arrival, the BABY in the womb of Elizabeth leaps for joy, and Elizabeth is inspired by the Holy Spirit to say, “Who am I that the MOTHER of my Lord should come to me. At the sound of your greeting the BABY in my womb leapt for joy.” The BABY in Elizabeth’s womb? Mary, only a few days pregnant, is theotokos, the MOTHER of the Lord. Do we need anything else than the very mystery of the incarnation of God in the womb of a woman to reveal to us that life in the womb is precious, life in the womb is touched by the Divine, life in the womb is truly LIFE!
• God has revealed it…pregnant women are already MOTHERS!
• Now, the political process has played out before our eyes over the last months, and each candidate has their chance to make their position clear in regards to the important MORAL issues.
• And what we have seen is that no candidate comes to this election with clean hands. But they have stated their positions on very important life issues.
• And it is clear, we as Catholics must consider these issues FIRST when casting our vote.
• That being said, not voting or writing in someone is a viable option.
• Imagine is we all voted the truth of these issue, what effect we would have on this country. In fact I believe that if Catholics truly voted pro life, voted our beliefs, voted as a witness to our faith, we would HAVE good candidates, in both parties, to choose from.
• Our gospel today challenges us…it’s not just about the coin. It’s not just about the economy.
• In fact, what’s the most important image? The image on the coin, or the one in whose image you have been created, and every child, born or unborn, is created?
• Yes, give to God what is God’s, but I must warn you, the people of God whom I love dearly, you can give to Ceasar what is Ceasar’s, but don’t give anything to Ceasar that would jeopardize your eternal salvation.

October 18th and 19th 2008

Saturday, October 11

Grandparents take some Grandkids to the Zoo

Is this a Monkey? Chloe showing off.

Or is this a Monkey? Or is it Rainee that is showing off?

Kadence at the Petting Zoo.

Rainee, Alec and Kadence at the petting zoo!
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Wednesday, October 1

Prayer Intentions

Pope Benedict XVI's general prayer intention is:
"That the Synod of Bishops may help the pastors and theologians, the catechists
and promoters who are engaged in the service of the Word of God to courageously transmit the truth of faith in communion with the entire Church."
His mission intention is:
"That in this month dedicated to the missions, through the promotional
activities of the Pontifical Missionary Works and other organisms, every
Christian community may feel the need to participate in the Church's universal
mission with prayer, sacrifice and concrete help."

Friday, September 12

Wow! The silence!

I did not realize that it has been so long since my last update to our family news! Well, I guess it is time to add some tidbits to our page!

Linda and I are settled into our new place in Tulsa and have been doing our gardening to make it more presentable. We have had most of the grandkids over at one time or another. Jose's kids have been over twice now and we have had some great times with Chandler, Chasity, and Caden. Amiya, Matthew and Chelsea's daughter, has even been over once with Jose' and his kids.

Landon and Kayla have been over a couple of times with Kadence (she has even come over and spent time with Grandma and Grandpa!). Those visits were a blast!

Of course, Michael and Drew have been over a few times and we have enjoyed being closer to them. Michael has purchased his first car! A blue PT Cruiser has now made him mobile and out on the town!

Frances and Rainee, Chloe, and Alec have been frequent visitors to our place though we are still lacking the visit of Brody Million. We look forward to having him over to visit. He has been home for a couple of weeks now though he did have a bit of a scare a couple of weekends ago when he had to be hospitalized for a couple of days.

Well, that is about it, we still await Madison and Matthew Jr. to visit - hint hint Matt!

Sunday, August 24

Fr. Boniface T. Copeliin, O.S.B. Celebrates his first Mass

From the procession, to the Homily to Consecration of the Body and Blood of Christ, Fr. Boniface seemed like he was Born to be a priest. I had the priviledge and supreme Honor of receiving the Eucharist from my old friend, ordained to the Priesthood last Thursday. As these pictures may not show, Boniface is a man of extreme humility and Grace of God. It was so nice to laugh with my friend again, see him in his moment of pride. I am so glad that God has called him to His Priesthood.
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Saturday, August 23

Rainee visits Grandparents

This weekend was a fun weekend with Rainee spending the night Friday and spending Saturday with us. We had a blast last night watching College Road Trip, a delightful Disney Family movie!

Friday, August 22

Blessings Abound!

I just want to make a couple of little "Praise Reports" for this week!

My friend from college, Brother Boniface T. Copelin, O.S.B. is now FATHER Boniface! Thursday he was ordained to the priesthood and I am proud to be at his Thanksgiving Mass this upcoming Sunday morning. It has been a long, humble journey for Fr. Boniface and he is finally a Young Priest! (Okay, 47 may not be young to some of you but Boniface and I are YOUNG!) God has such a wonderful new addition to the Priesthood and I am looking forward to receiving Holy Eucharist from his hands and a blessing.

On another note, there were two birthdays this week, my cousin Terrie Perry. Happy Birthday. She is younger than I but catching up!

Another notable birthday is Paul Bartlett. Paul has been my best friend since High School in Claremore and has been through the ringer with me, a few times! We have made the premiers of Every Star Trek Movie since 1979! We are Still going strong! God bless you too, Paul. Thanks for being there for me all these years!

Saturday, August 9

New Classroom, New job

Well, here are some new pictures of the new classroom. Monday is the day the new kids come bounding through the doors of Senor Arroyo's new classroom at Zarrow International School!

From The Arroyo Fa...

Wednesday, August 6

Wow, Time Flies!

We are finally moved from Keller to Tulsa!

Though it has been an ordeal, from the car alternator going out the week before the move to the gas not being turned on at the new house, we have made it through! We have had the opportunity to have my sister, Christina and her husband Pat and their kids over for a cookout last weekend. This was nice to enjoy family.

With many of the boxes unpacked, though not all, I have had the chance to attend several days of training for the new school. I have my teaching certificate and am ready for my year of residency to commence for my first year back.

Linda and I are working on the new classroom and I am preparing lesson plans for the first day back next Monday! Tomorrow is the official Teachers Report day at Zarrow. We will be meeting the parents on Friday! Time sure flies!

Sunday, July 27

Almost moving on

Well, we are just about completely loaded and ready to leave for Tulsa.

Saturday, July 26

All Packed for Tulsa

St. Joseph, Blessed Virgin Mary and Sacred Heart of Jesus statues lined up and ready for a new garden to grace. (Not to mention a couple of frogs and a turtle among other sundries)

Garage all packed up waiting for a trailer to load it into.

This post is made from my cellphone as we await the arrival of Christina and Pat, with Rob & Amanda in toe. Michael and Drew are expected to be with them when they arrive tonight to camp out on our clean floors to awaken to loading and stuffing the rest of our earthly belongings into their truck, trailer and van.

By Monday morning, our house in Texas will be but a fond memory. We will be living close to our Twelve, yes 12, grandchildren! I will be busy getting my new classroom ready with but a week to make it a new learning home for about 40 5th graders eager to experience their last year at Zarrow!

Wednesday, July 23

Madison Leigh Arroyo makes a DOZEN Grandchildren!

Madison Leigh Arroyo was born at 6 pm to Chelsea and Matthew D. Arroyo in Tulsa on July 22nd, 2008. With this new 5 lb, 10 oz addition to the Arroyo family, we now have 12 Grandchildren!

Linda and I will be moving on Sunday to Tulsa where we will be able to be present to all of our grandchildren.

Last Saturday, as Pat and Christina Brown (my sister and brother-in-law) were helping us move, Frances was chasing a plane carrying Brody to Tulsa. With Brody in Tulsa, all twelve of our grandchildren are in Tulsa! Brody remains in the neonatal ICU at St. Francis Hospital but is steadily making progress. Hopefully, by the end of July, he will be able to join his sisters, Rainee and Chloe and brother Alec at their new home.

Continue to keep us in prayers, God is Good, ALL THE TIME!

Monday, July 21

Harry Wong Came to Town

One of the best parts of the Texas Teachers' Program for my certification is getting the opportunity to see Nationally recognized speakers. Harry Wong is one of those names which just about any teacher can tell you about. I was able to get his autograph on my well-worn First Days of School book, and the picture with the author above. It was awesome to hear him speak and he was definitely worth the traffic (there were almost 3000 people there!) and the crowds!
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Friday, July 18

Sing to the Glory of God!

This is a video taken last week with a visit to Brody by Rainee, Chloe, and Alec.

This week has been one of ups and downs, I received my Oklahoma Teacher Certification today and last week, my Texas Certification. Linda and I got word that we have a house, then, after the brakes went out on the car and rear end had to be repaired, found we couldn't afford to put the deposit down! Brody was denied transportation to Tulsa to be with his parents, so everything looked bleak, to say the least!

“I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just wish He didn't trust me so much.”
Bl. Mother Teresa of Calcutta

This quote has been ringing in my ears and we have been struggling with our faith but, true to the words I so often use (sometimes simply 'mouth'), God did provide. We have the much-needed deposit money through the Grace of God. Thank you Jesus!

We have the generosity of my sister, Christina, and brother-in-law, Pat to thank as well, they are coming down with a trailer to help us move some of our stuff this weekend into the garage of the new place. That will make a dent of our moving so we can bring a much smaller load next weekend and complete our move.

We are not out of the woods yet, "God has done great things for me and mighty is His Name..." as Mary says in her Magnificat. Keep the Arroyo family, and Brody, in prayers. More to come...

Wednesday, July 16

Breakfast With The Millions

The Millions are guests of the Arroyos until we move to Tulsa. Since Brody remains at Hospital, we are all here in Keller, together.

On a sad note, word was received this morning that insurance will not cover moving Brody from Ft. Worth to Tulsa, where his parents live. This is going to pose a huge problem for the Millions, since they do not live in Keller anymore and the Arroyo's are moving to Tulsa soon. We are packing a good deal of our stuff and moving it this weekend, in fact.

Frances was told that they can move Brody to a Tulsa hospital BUT they would have to pay $10,000 up FRONT! Needless to say, this is not an option that is doable at the present. We need prayers friends!

Monday, July 14

Meet Sr. Arroyo

Wow! This summer is going by FAST! My name is J.A. Arroyo, my family is from Puerto Rico but I have lived in Oklahoma for most of my life (we won't go into how long that has been!). I am married, have six kids, the youngest is 16 and the oldest is 28. My wife and I have ELEVEN Grandchildren! By the end of August, that number will jump to a DOZEN!

We are moving from Keller, TX to Tulsa in the next few weeks. I taught 5th Grade Math and Science in Keller last year but, well, we got too homesick and had to come back to Tulsa! So, we only lived in Texas a short time. I have my Standard Teaching Certification from Texas and I am converting that to Oklahoma certification. My Bachelor's degree comes from Regis University in Denver, CO and is in History and Spanish. I studied at St. Gregory's College in Shawnee, OK as well in Philosophy and Theology.

Once you see me, you will know that I am a bit older, you probably figured that out I am since I have so many grandchildren. I am in my fourth year of teaching, having been in Telecommunications for many years before finding my calling as a teacher. I am passionate about my family, faith and classroom.
When you first walk into my classroom, you will see some Star Trek Models. Those are my hobby. I will have them on shelves, hanging from the ceiling (as allowed) and around! That is what I do in my spare time. This summer, I have worked on the Enterprise NX-01 and finishing touches on the Galileo 7 Shuttlecraft. Follow this link to go to the Blog with pictures!

Arroyo Model Page Headlines