My Beautiful Friend and Cousin
I have many wonderful memories of Shirley and I will share a few with you.
We were very close and she referred to herself as my sister and signed all of her correspondence to me as "Sis".
When our parents were young they would all assemble at our aunt Claudia and Uncle Cliffords home every week end and most of the time more often than that. Shirley, her brother Bob, me and my brother Ron were together a lot. Normally on Saturday our parents would take us to the Royal theatre on 11th St. where we would watch a western movie with Roy Rogers, Gene Autry or another and what they called a serial. The serial was like a continued story each week to bring you back. Shirley and I must have been 10 or 11 years old. The price of the movie was .10 cents unless you were over 12. They always insisted Shirley was older than 12 because she grew large breasts very early. We loved it when she would play football with us so we could tackle her body. She was a beautiful young lady.
Our aunt Claudia was the matriarch of our family and loved us children more than anything. Each one of us thought we were her favorite but I'm sure Shirley was her favorite. She was the nicest person I ever knew and a big influence on all our lives. I think Shirley tried to emulate her and did a very good job of it. I'm sure aunt Claudia was one of the first to help guide her on her journey to heaven. I look forward to both of them being there for me.
Shirley and I went to Cleveland Junior High School together. I was in band and Shirley was in orchestra. She played the viola and was the instructors pet. She was very talented and smart. She also was a very good artist. I remember her drawings of beautiful ladies.
We shared our feelings and thoughts of life and religion. The internet brought us back together as we corresponded weekly.
I was fortunate to spend time with her this year when she had her first cataract surgery and shared our love that we always maintained.
I know that she can feel the feelings I have for her now.
Thank You Dear God for letting us have Shirley to share in our lives.
All My Love,
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