Sunday, July 25

Busy Weekend

Here are some images of our installation of officers. My Council of the Knights of Columbus Installed our officers on Sat. night. Michael is the new Warden and I am Deputy Grand Knight.

Later on in the night, I attended a reunion of my class from St. Gregory’s College (1981). We had a wonderful time and hope to do that again!

Thursday, July 22


Linda and I hosted my father and step-mother, Jose’ and Frances Arroyo, last Saturday. I must admit that it was with some nervousness, on our part and I am sure, on their part, as well. It has been over a decade since we have had contact and so this was a reunion, and meeting. I cannot begin to describe how the healing process started but I am certainly glad that we took the steps to make it happen.

I think, and hope, it is the first step in many to come. Linda and I certainly enjoyed ourselves and Dad and Frances had a great time as well. It is rather funny, I think that Linda is the reason why I was able to make these steps, Linda is the reason that I can begin to understand Frances, Dad’s wife. Before I remarried and began to look at a “step-parent”, I didn’t really understand why Frances did many of what she did. I can begin to see, after she has been at his side almost 30 years, how much she loves my father and can be so protective of him. Linda has done the same for me over the years.

Friday, July 2



Pope Benedict's general prayer intention for July is: "That in every nation of the world the election of officials may be carried out with justice, transparency and honesty, respecting the free decisions of citizens".

  His mission intention is: "That Christians may strive to offer everywhere, but especially in great urban centres, an effective contribution to the promotion of education, justice, solidarity and peace".

BXVI-PRAYER INTENTIONS/                                                       VIS 20100701 (80)

WordPress Tags: BENEDICT,PRAYER,VATICAN,Pope,intention,nation,world,election,justice,transparency,mission,Christians,contribution,promotion,education,peace,BXVI,INTENTIONS,decisions

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