Wednesday, December 30


VATICAN CITY, 30 DEC 2009 (VIS) - Pope Benedict XVI's general prayer intention for January 2010 is: "That young people may learn to use modern means of social communication for their personal growth and to better prepare themselves to serve society".

His mission intention is: "That every believer in Christ may be conscious that unity among all Christians is a condition for more effective proclamation of the Gospel".

BXVI-PRAYER INTENTIONS/JANUARY/...                                 VIS 091230 (80

Saturday, December 26

ChilderMas Today…. Remember our Innocent Children today.

In centuries past, Advent season began with Martinmas (the feast of St. Martin on November 11). Advent was "the little Lent" that prepared the faithful for the celebration of Christmas (Christ's Mass).

Christmas was in turn followed by Childermas (the Mass of the Holy Innocents) and continued until Candlemas (the Mass of Blessed Candles), also known as the Feast of the Presentation. In ancient times, great celebration centered not around Christmas, but around the Feast of the Epiphany. Indeed, in the eastern churches, the Mass of the Nativity was celebrated on the Feast of the Epiphany, for the earliest Christians said it was only fitting to celebrate God's revelation of His Son to the pagan Magi on the same day that His Son leapt out of the inner sanctuary of Mary's womb into the larger world itself.
Today, apart from Christmas, most of the "-mas" days have been forgotten. But there is one laudable custom which should be retained. As the song notes, there has long been a tradition of small gift-giving during the first twelve days of the Christmas season, the period between Christmas and Epiphany, Dec 25 and Jan 6.

Today is ChilderMas - a day to celebrate our children and honor the gift that God gave us in our children. God Bless you all!

Friday, December 25

Merry Christmas!

This year, for the Feast of the Nativity of Our Lord, Tulsa has had a White Christmas. Unfortunately, this has caused many of us to miss Mass. We did not have the Honor Guard at Holy Family last night. The good news is that those that would have attended did not get out in this weather and risk injury or death on the roads. Linda, myself, our children and grandchildren pray that you have a safe Christmas celebration with your families and all return to your homes safely. It is the gift from our Creator of a helpless child, God Himself, that we remember today. This is not a “holiday” but the Holy Day that we recall this incredible miracle which led to hope and our very salvation.

Merry Christmas! and Vivat Jesus!

J.A. and Linda Arroyo

Thursday, December 24

A Year in Review

Merry Christmas!

This has been an eventful year. As for the career in teaching, it did not do so well the latter half of the year. I have been doing driver’s education which has been paying the bills. Zarrow was a challenge which, when the contract was over, I was more than happy to leave. Unfortunately, I found that my former boss was not very professional when it came to parting ways. Apparently she has been more than happy to embellish things when it comes to reference calls.

Enough on that. Linda has worked this year to create a new business, 2 Ladies Cleaning has been doing rather well. Though it has been a challenge having a partner, she has been doing quite well for herself.

We continue to struggle with our children’s personal issues. Linda and I do what we can to be the support that our children need and be there for our grandchildren. We have found, like probably most grandparents, that we are not the parents so we definitely have a challenge. Isn’t it fun when you know the answer but you often have children that won’t take the answer? Why do they ask the question? LOL

Some children we see, some we do not. The door is always open but we sometimes wonder if it is wide enough to get their attention!

I had a chance to renew old friendships at the high school reunion this year! It was our 30th and about time! It came at a rough time personally but, in the process of renewing friendships, we also renewed our marriage. It can be rough to go through a marriage when your children are being battered by the elements and easy to lose sight of each other. We realize that this is the first day of the rest of Our lives and we need to be there for each other.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of our old friends, new friends, and family. May you all keep sight of what is really near and dear this holiday season!

Linda and J. Arroyo

Tuesday, December 22

A Christmas History

In centuries past, Advent season began with Martinmas (the feast of St. Martin on November 11). Advent was "the little Lent" that prepared the faithful for the celebration of Christmas (Christ's Mass).

Christmas was in turn followed by Childermas (the Mass of the Holy Innocents) and continued until Candlemas (the Mass of Blessed Candles), also known as the Feast of the Presentation.
In ancient times, great celebration centered not around Christmas, but around the Feast of the Epiphany. Indeed, in the eastern churches, the Mass of the Nativity was celebrated on the Feast of the Epiphany, for the earliest Christians said it was only fitting to celebrate God's revelation of His Son to the pagan Magi on the same day that His Son leapt out of the inner sanctuary of Mary's womb into the larger world itself.

Today, apart from Christmas, most of the "-mas" days have been forgotten. But there is one laudable custom which should be retained.

As the song notes, there has long been a tradition of small gift-giving during the first twelve days of the Christmas season, the period between Christmas and Epiphany, Dec 25 and Jan 6.

This year, we would like to encourage you to give a gift to seminarians!

Monday, December 14

Christmas Approaches!

Yesterday, Rainee, Chloe, Alec, Grandma and Grandpa went to the Knights of Columbus Christmas Party. Things were a bit hectic so they actually missed a visit from St. Nick but, even with missing him, they all had a great time. I am going to include a couple of videos and pictures from the festivities. Alec had the chance to sing along with Santa again this year (he loved that last year and was looking forward to it again this year.)

Rainee and Chloe met some new friends and had a great time building a puzzle and playing with these girls. We had a great dinner and enjoyed the evening out. Grandma and Grandpa, however, were well worn out by evening’s end and were happy to bring the little ones home and relax at home!

Alec and Santa
Alec Singing along with Santa

The day before, Grandma, Rainee and Chloe began working on a Gingerbread house.

Rainee and Chloe with their Gingerbread house Rainee and Chloe with their Gingerbread House

Sunday, December 6

Getting ready for the holidays!

Well, the Arroyo family is getting the lawn decorations and the inside decorations up for the holidays. Yes, this is the Christmas season! The season where we remember a supreme event which makes us complete, the birth of our Savior! ‘Tis the Season – not for shopping, but for remembering how we are not condemned by our faults but redeemed by Our Lord.

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