Friday, July 31
New Teaching Job
Keep us in prayers!
Tuesday, July 28
Visit to Greg's
St. Gregory's Abbey is the Monastery, the Benedictine monks that run St. Gregory's and have for over 100 years. One of the newer addition to the Fathers of St. Gregory's was my roommate when I attended St. Greg's, Fr. Boniface Copelin, O.S.B.. At that time, he was "Tim" and we both had aspirations to the priesthood. Quite a bit of time has passed but Boniface is a Priest and is continuing his studies in Rome.
For me, St. Gregory's is the home of my Faith. My first real Confession was walking up and down the entrance drive with Fr. Ian Riding, OSB, when Fr. Ian was not there, Fr. Louis would take the reins and walk with me. Priests of St. Gregory's showed me the incredible wisdom, love and peace of the Church. Fr. Joe, whom I adored, imparted a love of History. I eventually received a degree in History and never have stopped loving it since. Fr. Denis showed me the authority of the Church, the logic and wisdom wrapped up in a gruff demeanor. Fr. Theodore, even with his goofy 60's Theology, was the example of a pastoral Priest to his last days.
Br. Maurus, now Fr. Maurus, put Boniface and I together because we were both pipe smokers. We still enjoy a good pipe to this day and we enjoyed several bowls together during the course of the weekend. Accident or Insight, I am not sure but Fr. Maurus gave me something which I will treasure to my last breath. Being a part of that place is something I treasure and brings me back to sanity when everything seems off and lost. It is never lost when there.
The rythym of St. Gregory's, Vigils at 6:00, breakfast at 6:30, Lauds at 7:15, work, MidDay Prayers at 12:15, Mass at 5, Vespers, and Compline at 7:15 is a rythym which is orderly and prayerful. It is easy to see God at St. Gregory's and a part of the Heaven which the Monks 'advertise'.
I was blessed to be the server for Boniface's Masses for three days. Receiving Eucharist, the Body of Christ, from my friend is a very special experience. These past Three Days have been very special and I look forward to doing them again soon.
Wednesday, July 22
Urgent Pro-Life Action Needed
Knights of Columbus | One Columbus Plaza | New Haven | CT | 06510 |
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Tuesday, July 21
Happy Birthday, Bill McGrew

Seriously, Happy Birthday, Bill! We love you!
Wednesday, July 15
Michael Steps up with Knights Of Columbus
Michael joined Knights of Columbus and has stepped up on the 3rd Degree Team (Knights have 4 Degrees - a 'full' Knight has taken his 1-3rd Degrees) shown above. Michael plays a part with me on the Degree Team and has proven to enjoy it and did very well. This is a great chance for father and son to share something regarding our Faith and spend time together. Michael is also Chancellor for our Council 4721. I am Deputy Grand Knight and his office is below me in the hierarchy, though barely, he is 3rd in line!
Congratulations, Michael, Dad is proud of you!
Monday, July 13
Bad Catholic joke of the week:
Finally, the banker said, "Father, why did you ask us to come?"
The old priest mustered up his strength and then said weakly, "Jesus died between two thieves, and that's how I want to go."