Tuesday, April 14

A Few Thoughts

Well, I thought I would take a few minutes and jot down some of my thoughts. I saw a Catholic News Article about removing the "Conscience Clause" for the medical profession. It brought to mind some basic rights that we have 'guaranteed' by the Bill Of Rights in our Constitution. It seems to me that, by removing the clause allowing medical providers to refuse to violate their religious beliefs, specifically those regarding taking lives through Abortion, then the government runs the risk of violating their Freedom of Religion.

Sadly, we are at the point where we are faced with people being jailed for their beliefs in this country. It is not a case of someone's beliefs possibly causing harm to another, no, it is a case where the medical professional is actually being compelled by law to cause harm to another human being!

Our Catholic Faith teaches that this action is murder, a fundamental taking of an innocent life. It is not the same as Capital Punishment, those lives are not innocent, it is not the same as an Unjust or Just War. Again, those lives are not innocent in the same manner as a child in the womb of his or her mother.

Sunday, April 5

Cake Walk

The kids were having a great time this Sunday at the Knights of Columbus!

Ready for Easter

Rainee, Chloe, and Alec are all dressed for Easter. Awesome dresses and a handsome young man ready to hunt for Easter Eggs

Visit from the Easter Bunny

Visit from the Easter Bunny at the Knights of Columbus Council 4721 Easter Party. A Good Time was Had by All!

Easter Egg Hunt, and a good time was had by all...

I will embed the videos I took as well, but, in the meantime, here are a couple of the pics from the Easter Egg Hunt at the Knights of Columbus Hall (Council 4721). A good time was had by all, including our grandchildren, Rainee, Chloe, and Alec Million!

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Friday, April 3

Matthew Arroyo, EMT

This is my son, Matthew Dale Arroyo, EMT. He graduated from the EMSA Academy on Friday, April 3rd, 2009. It is an indiscribable experience to see a young man get his badge, wearing a uniform, and knowing that he is your son. He begins a career saving lives in Tulsa today!

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