Wednesday, December 30


VATICAN CITY, 30 DEC 2009 (VIS) - Pope Benedict XVI's general prayer intention for January 2010 is: "That young people may learn to use modern means of social communication for their personal growth and to better prepare themselves to serve society".

His mission intention is: "That every believer in Christ may be conscious that unity among all Christians is a condition for more effective proclamation of the Gospel".

BXVI-PRAYER INTENTIONS/JANUARY/...                                 VIS 091230 (80

Saturday, December 26

ChilderMas Today…. Remember our Innocent Children today.

In centuries past, Advent season began with Martinmas (the feast of St. Martin on November 11). Advent was "the little Lent" that prepared the faithful for the celebration of Christmas (Christ's Mass).

Christmas was in turn followed by Childermas (the Mass of the Holy Innocents) and continued until Candlemas (the Mass of Blessed Candles), also known as the Feast of the Presentation. In ancient times, great celebration centered not around Christmas, but around the Feast of the Epiphany. Indeed, in the eastern churches, the Mass of the Nativity was celebrated on the Feast of the Epiphany, for the earliest Christians said it was only fitting to celebrate God's revelation of His Son to the pagan Magi on the same day that His Son leapt out of the inner sanctuary of Mary's womb into the larger world itself.
Today, apart from Christmas, most of the "-mas" days have been forgotten. But there is one laudable custom which should be retained. As the song notes, there has long been a tradition of small gift-giving during the first twelve days of the Christmas season, the period between Christmas and Epiphany, Dec 25 and Jan 6.

Today is ChilderMas - a day to celebrate our children and honor the gift that God gave us in our children. God Bless you all!

Friday, December 25

Merry Christmas!

This year, for the Feast of the Nativity of Our Lord, Tulsa has had a White Christmas. Unfortunately, this has caused many of us to miss Mass. We did not have the Honor Guard at Holy Family last night. The good news is that those that would have attended did not get out in this weather and risk injury or death on the roads. Linda, myself, our children and grandchildren pray that you have a safe Christmas celebration with your families and all return to your homes safely. It is the gift from our Creator of a helpless child, God Himself, that we remember today. This is not a “holiday” but the Holy Day that we recall this incredible miracle which led to hope and our very salvation.

Merry Christmas! and Vivat Jesus!

J.A. and Linda Arroyo

Thursday, December 24

A Year in Review

Merry Christmas!

This has been an eventful year. As for the career in teaching, it did not do so well the latter half of the year. I have been doing driver’s education which has been paying the bills. Zarrow was a challenge which, when the contract was over, I was more than happy to leave. Unfortunately, I found that my former boss was not very professional when it came to parting ways. Apparently she has been more than happy to embellish things when it comes to reference calls.

Enough on that. Linda has worked this year to create a new business, 2 Ladies Cleaning has been doing rather well. Though it has been a challenge having a partner, she has been doing quite well for herself.

We continue to struggle with our children’s personal issues. Linda and I do what we can to be the support that our children need and be there for our grandchildren. We have found, like probably most grandparents, that we are not the parents so we definitely have a challenge. Isn’t it fun when you know the answer but you often have children that won’t take the answer? Why do they ask the question? LOL

Some children we see, some we do not. The door is always open but we sometimes wonder if it is wide enough to get their attention!

I had a chance to renew old friendships at the high school reunion this year! It was our 30th and about time! It came at a rough time personally but, in the process of renewing friendships, we also renewed our marriage. It can be rough to go through a marriage when your children are being battered by the elements and easy to lose sight of each other. We realize that this is the first day of the rest of Our lives and we need to be there for each other.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of our old friends, new friends, and family. May you all keep sight of what is really near and dear this holiday season!

Linda and J. Arroyo

Tuesday, December 22

A Christmas History

In centuries past, Advent season began with Martinmas (the feast of St. Martin on November 11). Advent was "the little Lent" that prepared the faithful for the celebration of Christmas (Christ's Mass).

Christmas was in turn followed by Childermas (the Mass of the Holy Innocents) and continued until Candlemas (the Mass of Blessed Candles), also known as the Feast of the Presentation.
In ancient times, great celebration centered not around Christmas, but around the Feast of the Epiphany. Indeed, in the eastern churches, the Mass of the Nativity was celebrated on the Feast of the Epiphany, for the earliest Christians said it was only fitting to celebrate God's revelation of His Son to the pagan Magi on the same day that His Son leapt out of the inner sanctuary of Mary's womb into the larger world itself.

Today, apart from Christmas, most of the "-mas" days have been forgotten. But there is one laudable custom which should be retained.

As the song notes, there has long been a tradition of small gift-giving during the first twelve days of the Christmas season, the period between Christmas and Epiphany, Dec 25 and Jan 6.

This year, we would like to encourage you to give a gift to seminarians!

Monday, December 14

Christmas Approaches!

Yesterday, Rainee, Chloe, Alec, Grandma and Grandpa went to the Knights of Columbus Christmas Party. Things were a bit hectic so they actually missed a visit from St. Nick but, even with missing him, they all had a great time. I am going to include a couple of videos and pictures from the festivities. Alec had the chance to sing along with Santa again this year (he loved that last year and was looking forward to it again this year.)

Rainee and Chloe met some new friends and had a great time building a puzzle and playing with these girls. We had a great dinner and enjoyed the evening out. Grandma and Grandpa, however, were well worn out by evening’s end and were happy to bring the little ones home and relax at home!

Alec and Santa
Alec Singing along with Santa

The day before, Grandma, Rainee and Chloe began working on a Gingerbread house.

Rainee and Chloe with their Gingerbread house Rainee and Chloe with their Gingerbread House

Sunday, December 6

Getting ready for the holidays!

Well, the Arroyo family is getting the lawn decorations and the inside decorations up for the holidays. Yes, this is the Christmas season! The season where we remember a supreme event which makes us complete, the birth of our Savior! ‘Tis the Season – not for shopping, but for remembering how we are not condemned by our faults but redeemed by Our Lord.

Monday, November 16

A chance to get out

Linda and I went to see Mister Pistol Friday night in Tulsa. It was a chance for us to take part in a 'mini' Reunion of my 1979 High School class. Several of us, that live in and around Tulsa and Claremore, were able to get together to listen to another classmate, John Page and his band, Mister Pistol. Linda and I had a wonderful time and I actually had the chance to go dancing with my wife. Wow! Dating is FUN!

Tuesday, November 3

Halloween was busy!

Well, we had 5 of our 13 grandchildren over for Halloween this year. We also saw 3 of our 6 kids with an addition of Michael's girlfriend, Felicia! Whew! It was busy! Of our kids, Frances, Landon and Michael were over at some point during the day and night, Rainee, Chloe, Alec, Brody and Kadence were over for the festivities! I am attaching some pictures of the fun!

Landon, Michael and Felicia

Rainee, the cat!

Kadence as Princess Leia

Chloe, the Geisha Girl

Alec as Optimus Prime

Saturday, October 17

Welcome to the Family!

Our newest addition, grandchild number 13! Emersyn Morris was born on Thursday, October 15, 2009!

Wednesday, September 30


VATICAN CITY, 30 SEP 2009 (VIS) - Pope Benedict's general prayer intention for October is: "That Sunday may be lived as the day on which Christians gather to celebrate the risen Lord, participating in the Eucharist".

His mission intention is: "That the entire People of God, to whom Christ entrusted the mandate to go and preach the Gospel to every creature, may eagerly assume their own missionary responsibility and consider it the highest service they can offer humanity".

Sunday, September 27

Brody Takes a bite :)

Video's of Brody Million.

Friday, August 28

Awesome week

Well, the second week of school is drawing to a close. Things are looking pretty good. It is definitely hard work with 2nd graders but it is absolutely worth it! I am learning English!  Seriously, this is a difficult task, teaching sounds, penmanship, etc. to Second Grade!

Thursday, August 20

First Day of School

Well, today was the first day of school for DBCS and my 2nd grade class! We had a great day and it was a blast.

Tuesday, August 18

Now Facebook and our Family Blog have been joined

I have figured out how to add my family blog to my facebook account so that readers from Facebook and the blog are joined. I think that this will be much easier so that I am not duplicating content. We'll see how the technology works!

Works too well! I had to delete about 4 duplicate posts of this same entry!

Friday, July 31

New Teaching Job

Well, I have a contract for 2009-2010! I will be teaching at Deborah Brown Community School in Tulsa, OK. I am excited about this opportunity. It will be a challenging and rewarding school to work for!

Keep us in prayers!

Tuesday, July 28

Visit to Greg's

Well, this past weekend was a weekend of remembering and sharing. I had the opportunity to go to St. Gregory's Abbey, which is the heart of St. Gregory's University. St. Gregory's is where I spent my first two years of 'adulthood'. I graduated from there with my Associates degree and headed forth into the world.

St. Gregory's Abbey is the Monastery, the Benedictine monks that run St. Gregory's and have for over 100 years. One of the newer addition to the Fathers of St. Gregory's was my roommate when I attended St. Greg's, Fr. Boniface Copelin, O.S.B.. At that time, he was "Tim" and we both had aspirations to the priesthood. Quite a bit of time has passed but Boniface is a Priest and is continuing his studies in Rome.

For me, St. Gregory's is the home of my Faith. My first real Confession was walking up and down the entrance drive with Fr. Ian Riding, OSB, when Fr. Ian was not there, Fr. Louis would take the reins and walk with me. Priests of St. Gregory's showed me the incredible wisdom, love and peace of the Church. Fr. Joe, whom I adored, imparted a love of History. I eventually received a degree in History and never have stopped loving it since. Fr. Denis showed me the authority of the Church, the logic and wisdom wrapped up in a gruff demeanor. Fr. Theodore, even with his goofy 60's Theology, was the example of a pastoral Priest to his last days.

Br. Maurus, now Fr. Maurus, put Boniface and I together because we were both pipe smokers. We still enjoy a good pipe to this day and we enjoyed several bowls together during the course of the weekend. Accident or Insight, I am not sure but Fr. Maurus gave me something which I will treasure to my last breath. Being a part of that place is something I treasure and brings me back to sanity when everything seems off and lost. It is never lost when there.

The rythym of St. Gregory's, Vigils at 6:00, breakfast at 6:30, Lauds at 7:15, work, MidDay Prayers at 12:15, Mass at 5, Vespers, and Compline at 7:15 is a rythym which is orderly and prayerful. It is easy to see God at St. Gregory's and a part of the Heaven which the Monks 'advertise'.

I was blessed to be the server for Boniface's Masses for three days. Receiving Eucharist, the Body of Christ, from my friend is a very special experience. These past Three Days have been very special and I look forward to doing them again soon.

Wednesday, July 22

Urgent Pro-Life Action Needed


kofc logo with slogan

Urgent Pro-Life Alert

July 22, 2009


Abortion mandate in health bill


The healthcare reform legislation currently before Congress contains an abortion mandate that is a grave threat to human life. The bill's language will result in federally mandated abortion coverage by nearly all health plans, recruitment of abortion doctors into local health networks, and the nullification of many state laws that place reasonable limits on abortion.

The National Right to Life Committee (NRLC) has called this legislation the "largest expansion of abortion since Roe v. Wade."


We urge you to write to your senators and congressman today.  Click here where you can learn more about the health legislation and send a message to your two senators and congressman.

To read a letter from 19 House Democrats who insist they will not support a health bill unless it explicitly excludes abortion, click here.

Time is of the essence as congressional leaders want to pass the bill in the Senate and House by the end of July.

A coalition of prominent pro-life leaders have arranged a Stop The Abortion Mandate live webcast for the public this Thursday, July 23rd, 2009, at 9 PM Eastern (8PM Central, 7 PM Mountain, 6 PM Pacific).

Please go to to register.


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Tuesday, July 21

Happy Birthday, Bill McGrew

Bill McGrew turns &(*&)(*^^&%^%$ todsay. Ooops, internet stuff! Bill is the 'baby' of the cousins. There is me (J), Terrie, Christina and Bill. Or is it Bill then Christina? You know, being the oldest, I was quite content knowing that I was the oldest so didn't pay attention to who was next in line! Isn't that arrogant of me?

Seriously, Happy Birthday, Bill! We love you!

Wednesday, July 15

Michael Steps up with Knights Of Columbus

Michael joined Knights of Columbus and has stepped up on the 3rd Degree Team (Knights have 4 Degrees - a 'full' Knight has taken his 1-3rd Degrees) shown above. Michael plays a part with me on the Degree Team and has proven to enjoy it and did very well. This is a great chance for father and son to share something regarding our Faith and spend time together. Michael is also Chancellor for our Council 4721. I am Deputy Grand Knight and his office is below me in the hierarchy, though barely, he is 3rd in line!

Congratulations, Michael, Dad is proud of you!
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Monday, July 13

Bad Catholic joke of the week:

An old priest was dying. He sent a message for his banker and his lawyer, both church members, to come to his home. When they arrived, they were ushered up to his bedroom. As they entered the room, the priest held out his hands and motioned for them to sit on each side of the bed. He grasped their hands, sighed contentedly, smiled, and stared at the ceiling. For a time, no one said anything. Both the banker and lawyer were touched and flattered that the Father would ask them to be with him during his final moments. They were also puzzled; he had never given them any indication that he particularly liked either of them. They both remembered his many long, uncomfortable sermons about greed, covetousness, and avaricious behavior that made them squirm in their seats.

Finally, the banker said, "Father, why did you ask us to come?"

The old priest mustered up his strength and then said weakly, "Jesus died between two thieves, and that's how I want to go."

Sunday, June 28

God and the Barber

This is one of the best explanations of why God allows pain and suffering that I have seen...

A man went to a barbershop to have his hair cut and his beard trimmed.
As the barber began to work, they began to have a good conversation.
They talked about so many things and various subjects.
When they eventually touched on the subject of God, the barber said:
'I don't believe that God exists.'

'Why do you say that?' asked the customer. 'Well, you just have to go out in the street to realize that God doesn't exist.
Tell me, if God exists, would there be so many sick people?
Would there be abandoned children?

If God existed, there would be neither suffering nor pain.
I can't imagine a loving God who would allow all of these things.'
The customer thought for a moment, but didn't respond because he didn't want to start an argument.
The barber finished his job and the customer left the shop.

Just after he left the barbershop, he saw a man in the street with long, stringy, dirty hair and an untrimmed beard.
He looked dirty and unkempt. The customer turned back and entered the barber shop again and he said to the barber:
'You know what? Barbers do not exist.'
'How can you say that?' asked the surprised barber.
'I am here, and I am a barber. And I just worked on you!'
'No!' the customer exclaimed. 'Barbers don't exist because
if they did, there would be no people with dirty long hair and untrimmed beards, like that man outside.'

'Ah, but barbers DO exist! That's what happens when people do not come to me.'
'Exactly!' affirmed the customer. 'That's the point! God, too, DOES exist!
That's what happens when people do not go to Him and don't look to Him for help.
That's why there's so much pain and suffering in the world.'

A Princess!

Chloe is all dressed up like a princess!

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Little Adventures with Grandkids

On Father's Day, Madison Arroyo (Matthew and Chelsea's daughter) came over with Uncle Drew. We actually had Brody and Madison over at the same time, the two youngest grandchildren. She was precious.

Rainee and Grandpa had a "Project Day" together. We painted some shelves for the granddaughters. Rainee painted this shelf for Kadence and did the decorating. Kadence Loved it when she saw it!

Rainee got all dressed up to go out with Grandma and go to garage sales.

Alec has so proud to have high top sneakers just like Uncles Michael and Landon. He is wearing Uncle Landon's old t-shirt!
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Happy 1st Birthday, Brody Million!

Grandma with Brody! Today we celebrate Brody's first birthday!
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Friday, June 12

New, Improved, Revamped Family WebSite

Well, the design of the website has been pretty much the same for the past four years so I thought it could use a bit of an overhaul! I finally revamped the website and changed the design around. I hope all like it.

I have racked up the awards over the years, having earned consecutive awards for Catholic Family WebSite since 2005! Wow!

Thursday, June 11

Summer day in the sun!

Last weekend, Saturday and Sunday, the grandkids were over for a summer day in the sun! As you can see, they had a blast getting wet and enjoying themselves!

Monday, May 25

Memorial Day Weekend

Well, school was out on Friday and Memorial Day Weekend came and is almost gone. We had a blast with the grandkids on Saturday. We got to see Amiya's dance recital on Friday night, had a cookout on Sunday, and did some painting on Monday. Ah, went for a drive for my driving instructor certification on Saturday, I knew there was something I forgot.

Anyway, next week will be a bit of a challenge. This is the last week at Zarrow which has proved to be challenging on a daily basis. Monday I will be cleaning out my room and moving stuff from my current room to another room. Of course, I will also 'check out' which will be fun. I am certain I will have forgotten something!

Of course, we got to see Star Trek! It was great and Paul and I loved the chance to see the Premier together again. This makes 10 out of the 11 films that we have seen on premier night! I had the chance to see it again the following day, last Saturday, with my cousin Bill McGrew and son Michael. After that viewing, we met at Christina and Pat's for a cookout. It was a fantastic chance to see most of the family together again.

Today, Michael and I are off to see Star Trek again! Yeah, it was a good movie!

Friday, May 15

Kadence Dances

Kadence was such a cutie at Alec's Birthday party. Some might say that she was close to stealing the show!

Alec's Birthday Party

We went bowling for Alec's Birthday. I have a couple of videos of the birthday party which I will post. Enjoy!

McGrew Cousins get together in Tulsa


It is so nice when we cousins can get together, even if Terrie was not there. Bill, Christina, myself with Pat and Linda were able to have a fun evening at Christina and Pat's this past weekend.

Before the cookout, Michael, Bill and I went to see Star Trek (yes, Again!) - It was still as much fun the second time around!
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Tuesday, May 12

Michael Graduates!

Michael graduates from Dove tonight! Congratulations son!

Friday, May 8

It is getting close to when Paul, Linda, Cathy and I will see Star Trek! Our tradition continues at 7 pm tonight!

Star Trek - The Tradition Continues!

Well, tonight is the premier of the 11th Star Trek Movie! Paul and I began this tradition of seeing the premiers together on December 7th, 1979. Paul was going to OU and we saw the premier in a little theater in Norman, Oklahoma. Two years or so later, we saw the Wrath of Khan and the tradition began. We missed out on seeing Star Trek III together but picked right back up with IV. Since that first premier, we have had kids, divorced and remarried, now grandkids. Wow! We are just shy of 30 years since this tradition began!

Wednesday, May 6

Once again, behind the times!

I know, it has been almost a month since my last item!

Since then, I have visited Jose', he is doing pretty good, at least as well as to be expected. I will not be returning to Zarrow next year so I am on the job march again. I interviewed for a company named School Wires for a sales position. I will not know for certain until July 1st, however. I will know if I made the final cut by June 1st, then, hopefully, will have a third interview. If I get the job, I will go to PA for 6 weeks of training.

This job will use my contacts in K-12 in Oklahoma and, also, my experience as a teacher. The pay would definitely put my teacher pay to shame! Keeping fingers crossed and praying profusely!

I am training to be a driving instructor. I have done the classroom stuff and will be observing two drives this week. I should be behind the wheel next week then take some tests to be certified by the end of the month. It will help out with bills.

Brody was in the hospital this past weekend with some kind of sinus infection. Not exactly sure, maybe a type of flu though not the H1N1, thank God. He seems to be doing better. In the meantime, we had Rainee, Chloe and Alec over the weekend through Tuesday.

This Friday is the premier of Star Trek! Paul and I are planning our traditional premier night movie trip! We are excited, this will be the 10th trip for us on premier night (we missed Star Trek III).

Sunday is Mother's Day, this will be the second missing my own Mother. We pray for her soul and she is in my thoughts. I don't know what will be in store for Linda but I will make certain that she has a good day.

A friend of mine, Dave Mettey, lost his father a couple of week's ago, he, too, is in our prayers.

Well, school is about to start, gotta run! God Bless you all

Tuesday, April 14

A Few Thoughts

Well, I thought I would take a few minutes and jot down some of my thoughts. I saw a Catholic News Article about removing the "Conscience Clause" for the medical profession. It brought to mind some basic rights that we have 'guaranteed' by the Bill Of Rights in our Constitution. It seems to me that, by removing the clause allowing medical providers to refuse to violate their religious beliefs, specifically those regarding taking lives through Abortion, then the government runs the risk of violating their Freedom of Religion.

Sadly, we are at the point where we are faced with people being jailed for their beliefs in this country. It is not a case of someone's beliefs possibly causing harm to another, no, it is a case where the medical professional is actually being compelled by law to cause harm to another human being!

Our Catholic Faith teaches that this action is murder, a fundamental taking of an innocent life. It is not the same as Capital Punishment, those lives are not innocent, it is not the same as an Unjust or Just War. Again, those lives are not innocent in the same manner as a child in the womb of his or her mother.

Sunday, April 5

Cake Walk

The kids were having a great time this Sunday at the Knights of Columbus!

Ready for Easter

Rainee, Chloe, and Alec are all dressed for Easter. Awesome dresses and a handsome young man ready to hunt for Easter Eggs

Visit from the Easter Bunny

Visit from the Easter Bunny at the Knights of Columbus Council 4721 Easter Party. A Good Time was Had by All!

Easter Egg Hunt, and a good time was had by all...

I will embed the videos I took as well, but, in the meantime, here are a couple of the pics from the Easter Egg Hunt at the Knights of Columbus Hall (Council 4721). A good time was had by all, including our grandchildren, Rainee, Chloe, and Alec Million!

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Friday, April 3

Matthew Arroyo, EMT

This is my son, Matthew Dale Arroyo, EMT. He graduated from the EMSA Academy on Friday, April 3rd, 2009. It is an indiscribable experience to see a young man get his badge, wearing a uniform, and knowing that he is your son. He begins a career saving lives in Tulsa today!

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Monday, March 30

Been awhile

My Friends and Family;

It has been awhile since I last updated this BLOG, I am sorry for the delay. Well, there have been ups and downs in our family since I last updated things.

Matthew Arroyo has begun working for Tulsa's Ambulance service, EMSA! Matthew has some great plans for himself and his family and Linda and I are very proud of him.

Michael joined me giving blood a couple of weeks ago! This was his first time giving blood and I was quite proud of him!

He also is on the way to becoming a Optometry Tech. He begins his Internship soon and should be well on the way to a very good career. Way to go Michael!

Jose' has his destiny set for awhile and will need your continued prayers and, if interested, would appreciate a letter or so.

Sunday, March 8

Quality Time with the Grandkids

I am putting up a couple of videos from time with Kadence, Rainee, Alec, and Chloe. The first is some great time with Kadence. She was captured doing some pretending in the bathroom, playing and having a blast.

The second video is a visit to Chandler park. Enjoy as they play!

Wednesday, March 4

Wow! In like a Lamb or Lion?

March is here and Spring is not far behind. I never could remember what the groundhog (or Mother) did on Ground Hogs Day so I am never remembering what it is supposed to be like!

Well, Linda and I have been married 11 years a week from this Saturday! I just hope she feels the same way but I adore her more today than ever before! Our Anniversary is March 14th, (1998). I pray that God will continue to bless us and our children and grandchildren!

It did not go as well as we hoped for Jose' but it did go much better than we imagined. I hope that makes sense. He could have, and probably should have, received a much worse situation but ended up with better. We will not see him for awhile, at least a year and as long as 3 or 4 years. I know this is cryptic but, for those of you that know the circumstances, this should make pretty good sense. Keep Jose' and his children, Chandler, Chasity, Cayden and Destiny in prayers.

Let's see, I think that we 'spring forward' this weekend. The following weekend, that of the 14th, begins Spring Break for Tulsa Public Schools! Boy, am I ever ready!

I have a nifty video which I will upload to YouTube and embed, hopefully, tonight. It is of Kadence when she spent the night with us a couple of week's ago. She is very imaginative and had a blast. I almost forgot, Chandler and Chasity spent the night last weekend. We all survived! We had a great time!

Thursday, February 19

Memory Lane with Rainee

Here is Rainee when she was 2 with Uncle Michael

Rainee and Uncle Michael carved some Pumpkins for Halloween in 2003

Also in 2003, Grandpa and Rainee began a tradition which continues today of baking Peanut Butter Cookies together. When this was taken, Grandpa did most of the work and Rainee did the "Crisscross". When we did this a couple of weeks ago, Rainee did ALL of the cookies except for putting them in and taking them out of the oven!

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Our 8th Anniversary of Being Grandparents!

This is our Princess, Rainee Million. She is 8 today, Feb 19th, 2009.

Here is our Princess in the snow. Rainee has been a wonderful light to Linda and I. On Feb. 19th, 2001, I held this precious Princess for the first time and can't begin to say how that changed my life forever.

Here she is with her Uncle Andrew.
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