Monday, April 30

The New Liturgical Movement: Theater Seating in Churches

Theater Seating in Churches

A very interesting comment by architect Duncun Stroik here:
"Mr. Stroik said the current trend of theater-style seating is a throwback to a movement in the mid-19th century, when Protestant churches in America modeled their buildings after theaters with sloping floors and individual seats. Within a few decades, churches and architects wanted to return to a more traditional look and began designing simpler worship buildings."

This is a revelation to me.
I had associated theater-style seating with contemporary evangelical churches exclusively. I hadn't imagined that it was actually a 19th century reject. Is there a Catholic case to be made against slopping floors, aside from the point that they are not traditional?

Tuesday, April 10

Vatican invites faithful to celebrate Pope's 80th birthday

Vatican, Apr. 10, 2007 ( -

The Vatican's liturgical office has issued an invitation to the people of Rome to join Pope Benedict XVI (bio - news) at Mass on Sunday, April 15-- the feast of the Divine Mercy-- to celebrate the Pope's 80th birthday.

Pope Benedict will turn 80 on the following day, April 16. He will be joined at the Sunday Mass by the cardinals and bishops of the Roman Curia as well as the auxiliary bishops of the Rome diocese. The Eucharistic celebration will take place in St. Peter's basilica.

The celebration will also look forward to the 2nd anniversary of the Pope's election, on April 19.

Tuesday, April 3

Benedict XVI's Prayer Intentions for April

2-April-2007 -- Vatican Information Service

VATICAN CITY, APR 1, 2007 (VIS) - Pope Benedict XVI's general prayer intention for April is: "That, allowing himself to be enlightened and guided by the Holy Spirit, every Christian may answer enthusiastically and faithfully to the universal call to sanctity."

His mission intention is: "That the number of priestly and religious vocations may grow in North America and the countries of the Pacific Ocean, in order to give an adequate answer to the pastoral and missionary needs of those populations."

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