Tuesday, March 28
Monday, March 27
Christianity is a relationship, not an ideology, Pope says
Christianity is not an ideology, but a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, Pope Benedict XVI (bio - news) told parishioners at a church in the eastern section of Rome on March 26.
On a pastoral visit to a parish in the Tor Tre Teste section, the Holy Father said that the 4th Sunday of Lent, Laetare Sunday, brings a joyful celebration not only because of the realization that Easter is drawing closer, but also because the day's Scripture readings remind Christians that "in spite of our unworthiness we are the recipients of God's infinite mercy."
Christ's death on the Cross, the Pope reminded his listeners, brings salvation from sin. "This is the Church's central message, unchanged over the centuries," he said. "It is the glory of the Cross that each Christian is called to understand, to live, and to bear witness to in his own life." In his lengthy homily, the Pope concentrated on the message of divine mercy, emphasizing that the parish is dedicated to God the Merciful Father. Pope Benedict read aloud a message that his predecessor, John Paul II, had been preparing to deliver on the feast of the Divine Mercy, which fell the day after his death.
The March 26 visit to Tor Tre Teste was the 3rd parish visit by Pope Benedict since his election last April 19. He spent the morning at the parish of God the Merciful Father, where he was greeted by Cardinal Camillo Ruini, his vicar for the Rome diocese, and Cardinal Crescenzio Sepe, the titular pastor. The Pope returned to the Vatican in time for his midday Angelus audience.
The Year Begins to Wind Down
Issues on the homefront are presenting challenges as we plan for the summer and beyond. Of course, since I am on the 10 month pay, I am working on getting the insurance taken care of for the upcoming year as well as summer. Michael is going to ETS next year too so that will be a challenge. All in all, the end of the year for Linda and I are just as challenging, if not more so, as for the students! God is with us and we are keeping chins up as we continue to strengthen our Faith.
The Vocations Cross at St. Catherine's is going very well. Our focus on vocations has been going a month.
Wednesday, March 15
The newest version of Doctor Who, which originally premiered in 1963 on the BBC, will premier in the US on the Sci Fi Channel this Friday! The newest Doctor, Christopher Eccelson is the 9th actor to play the role. Using regeneration to keep the show fresh, the 9th Doctor is hip, funny and witty. Catch the first episode of the 2005 Doctor Who series on Friday! The first week will show Rose and End of the World, two episodes back to back. The next week will show the remaining 11 episodes with the previous week's episode as the lead off.
Doctor Who was on in the United Kingdom from 1963 to 1989 with a Fox movie shown in the US in the late 1990's. The show gained cult status, playing on PBS stations in the United States until the early 1990's. After being cancelled by the BBC, the show continued to be popular around the world culminating in its wildly popular revival in 2005 with the 9th Doctor at the helm of the TARDIS.
The Time Lord enters a new age.
Christopher Eccleston's Doctor is wise, funny and brave, an adventurer in time and space. His detached logic gives him a vital edge when the world's in danger. But when it comes to human relationships, he can be found wanting. That's why he needs Rose.
Rose Tyler is a shop-girl from the present day, trapped in a dull existence. From the moment she and the Doctor meet, they are soulmates; they understand and complement each other. With nothing to hold Rose back — neither her over-bearing mum nor her hapless boyfriend — she chooses to devote herself to the Doctor and his promise of fantastic adventures across the universe. And he doesn't let her down….
At the 2005 National Television Awards, voted for by the British public, Doctor Who scooped three of the top prizes: Most Popular Drama, Most Popular Actor (Christopher Eccleston) and Most Popular Actress (Billie Piper).
So don't delay — hop into the Tardis and get ready for the adventure of a lifetime (or two or three or 12…)
Monday, March 6
'Mommy Wars': To Work or Stay at Home?
I had to reprint this article from ABC News. For one, I think that this indicates an interesting trend of a return to traditional values. It is also something that is indicating something healthy for our children, having one parent at home. It is not mentioned in this article but is very clear for those with common sense: If 'an alarming number of ....women are leaving the work force to stay at home and raise their children..." that means that one parent will be home to raise their children, doesn't it? Before that time, there were NO parent raising their own children but a paid caregiver. As a parent, I really do not care if it is a woman or man but parents should make some provision for a parent to raise the child or children they brought into the world....
Feb. 22, 2006 — An alarming number of college-educated women are leaving the work force to stay at home and raise their children, a trend that is a tragedy not only for the mothers, but ultimately their children and women as a whole.
So said law professor and working mom Linda Hirshman in a 2005 article for American Prospect magazine that has ignited an intense debate among mothers.
Census figures show 54 percent of mothers with a graduate or professional degree no longer work full time. In 2003 and 2004 Hirshman interviewed about 30 women whose wedding announcements had appeared in The New York Times in 1996 and who had had children. Five of the women were working full time, and 10 were working part time. The rest were not working at all.
"We care because what they do is bad for them, is certainly bad for society, and is widely imitated, even by people who never get their weddings in the Times," Hirshman wrote. "This last is called the 'regime effect,' and it means that even if women don't quit their jobs for their families, they think they should and feel guilty about not doing it."
Hirshman also said educated women choosing to stay home was bad for them as individuals.
"A good life for humans includes the classical standard of using one's capacities for speech and reason in a prudent way, the liberal requirement of having enough autonomy to direct one's own life, and the utilitarian test of doing more good than harm in the world," Hirshman wrote. "Measured against these time-tested standards, the expensively educated, upper-class moms will be leading lesser lives."
The Other Side
Faith Fuhrman has a master's degree in nursing, but chooses to stay home with her children.
"The job I was in when I had, first had my child, I couldn't have done it," Fuhrman said. "I was working 14 hours a day. I was on call."
When Debbie Klett became a mother, she quit her job in ad sales and started a magazine called Total 180 so she could work from home and spend more time with her children.
"For me, I feel it is vital to be there for my children every day, to consistently tend to their needs, to grow their self-esteem, and to praise them when they're right, guide them when they're not, and to be a loving, caring mom every minute of the day," Klett said.
Klett acknowledged there were consequences to her choice to stay at home. To save money, her family has given up cable, does not go out to dinner, and does not go on vacations.
"We made tremendous financial sacrifices for me to be able to stay home with my children, and I wouldn't trade that for the world," Klett said.
What About the Children?
Hirshman argues that Klett's children would be fine if she worked outside the home. Statistically there is no difference in the happiness levels of the children whose mothers work and the children whose mothers stay at home, she said.
Deborah Skolnick agrees. She is a magazine editor who will not give up her job and feels working is a good example for her children, and helps them in other ways.
"I think my kids are as well-behaved and as well-socialized, if not better, than a lot of a fair number of at-home moms," Skolnick said. "I see at-home moms whose children won't separate from them, won't go to school, cry at the door. My children have learned, from an early age, that Mommy will be back. So they kiss me and they say goodbye."
Fuhrman asked her 13-year-old son what he thought was the benefit of having a stay-at-home mom.
"He said, 'Well, I really like to come home every day and finding you here,'" Fuhrman said.
"But on the other hand, my daughter says to me, 'Mommy, when I grow up, I'm gonna get a job at your magazine, and I'm gonna sit at the same desk as you and we're gonna be on the same magazine together until we die,'" Skolnick said. "And that makes me kind of happy."
Tune in to "Good Morning America" Thursday when the "Mommy Wars" continue.
Saturday, March 4
Spring is Almost here!