Monday, August 30

26th Anniversary of the death of Grandma McGrew

On August 30th, 1984, Wilma McGrew breathed her last. I was blessed to see her before she passed away. I am the oldest grandson. Wilma was 64 years old, having been born in March of 1920.

Shirley_Wilma_Claudia_5-74 Aunt Claudia, Shirley (mother) and Grandma McGrew at mother’s graduation from NSU in May, 1974


Wilma is pictured with husband Bob, Bobby Lee and Shirley in the late 40's

mcgrews_1930's McGrew_70s

Bob and Wilma, 1930’s and 1970’s

My Grandma was special to me and I have missed her every day since losing her to heart disease in that Broken Arrow hospital. This day taught me that we don’t ‘get over’ losing someone really special, we just get used to having the hole in our hearts.

Wilma_J-may-20-1984 This was the last picture of Wilma before she died on August 30, 1984 - This was taken in May, 1984 while J was on break from Seminary with the Jesuits.

I miss you, Grandma and I never stopped loving you.

J.A. (“Tony”) Arroyo

Friday, August 27

Catholic bishops defend hiring rights of religious organizations :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

Catholic bishops defend hiring rights of religious organizations :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

The signatories to Wednesday's letter contend that parts of the law will unfairly burden religious charities that receive federal grants, by forcing them to make staffing decisions that contradict or disregard their beliefs.

'Important News About In The Father's Footsteps XV'

'Important News About In The Father's Footsteps XV'

Sunday, August 22

Arroyo Boys Start College

Linda and I were able to accompany Andrew to St. Gregory’s University in Shawnee this past Friday. I am attaching some pics of the visit. Unfortunately, time did not permit me to go to Chickasaw for Michael’s move to USAO. We do wish him the best and hope that he will do well as they both begin a new life away from home!


The drive to St. Gregory’s University.


Andrew getting his new room ready.


Another angle of the Ad building.

Monday, August 9

Happy Birthday, Linda

IMAG0015Linda and I had a fantastic weekend! On Friday, August 6th, 13 years ago, Linda celebrated her birthday with friends at this little bar at 21st and Garnett. Luckily, I happened to be there and the rest is our family history! To celebrate this weekend, we went out to the Casino and Looney Bin! We had a blast this weekend.

Today, August 9th, she celebrates her birthday and the first day of the rest of our life together. Happy Birthday, Precious from your family.

Sunday, August 1


VATICAN CITY, 30 JUL 2010 (VIS) - Pope Benedict's general prayer intention for August is: "That those who are without work or homes or who are otherwise in serious need may find understanding and welcome, as well as concrete help in overcoming their difficulties".

  His mission intention is: "That the Church may be a 'home' for all people, ready to open her doors to any who are suffering from racial or religious discrimination, hunger or wars forcing them to emigrate to other countries".

BXVI-PRAYER INTENTIONS/       VIS 20100730 (90)

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