Wednesday, January 27

Tulsa World Publishes Story on March for Life

Yesterday, yes, Jan. 26th, the Tulsa World published an article about the March for Life held last Friday. The official estimates, published in the article, estimated that over 3,000 attended the March. I am including a link to the article for you to read. I encourage you to also read the comments to the article at the bottom. I was amazed at the lack of media attention to the march while, in most cases, if the protest would have had a dozen and was something more ‘popular’ or politically correct the media would have been all over it.

Click here to view the story

Thursday, January 14

Tulsa March for Life on Jan 22nd

I am reposting this from the Knights of Columbus BLOG to my family Blog in hopes of bringing more attention from my family and friends as well. This is a very important issue for me and Linda and I encourage anyone to attend this Pro-Life March in Tulsa next Friday!

Abortion was legalized in the United States 37 years ago this month.  Since then over 50 million babies have lost their lives to abortion.  Pray for an end to abortion and join Most Rev. Bishop Edward J. Slattery who will celebrate the Mass for Life at Holy Family Cathedral at 5:00pm on January 22, 2010.  After Mass join Bishop Edward J. Slattery and participate in the 1st Tulsa March for Life.  The March starts at Holy Family Cathedral and ends at 6th & Boston at the new Chapman Centennial Green where a rally will take place.  A rally will be held approximately 30 minutes long with three speakers.  Dr. Kevin Donovan will speak on when life begins, Cynthia Carney will share her testimony of having an abortion and Dr. McCutchens from Mount Zion Baptist Church will speak how abortion has impacted the black community.

I am enclosing a pdf file of the 'official' poster for our first-ever Tulsa March for Life. Please feel free to download and print out a many copies as you need to:

  • post this weekend around your church campus
  • ask people to bring one home
  • ask volunteers to post them in coffee shops, food stores, and other community bulletin boards.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me or go to our blog at  Thank you for your time.

For Life,

Tracy Callicoat

Diocese of Tulsa

Family Life, Pro-Life and Natural Family Planning


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