Friday, December 29

Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year!

Well, 2006 is coming to a close and the Arroyo Family have had a wonderful, blessed year thus far. From Rainee coming over and making Reindeer cookies with Grandpa (pictures of this are in the web album which is clickable below) to the new puppy for Grandma, it has been a fun holiday season.

Paul and his family experienced tragedy this year and our prayers are with him, Jonathon, his girlfriend and family.

J. is halfway through the year at All Saints. I have to say a huge THANK YOU to the parents and kids at All Saints. I am humbled by the well wishes and Christmas giving of the parents. That is not the reason that I just LOVE teaching but it makes me feel so Blessed to be there. Thanks to all the kids, the parents, my co-workers, for all of their blessings!

Joe Cummins went into the hospital a few weeks ago and it looked so bleak but he is back home now. At 95, Joe continues to hold onto life and continues to bless us with his presence. Linda works for Joe and, over the years, it has become much more than a 'job' but has become a investment of her heart.

The Arroyo Family

Sunday, December 17

A Christmas Puppy for Linda

Frances, Landon and J. gave Linda an early Christmas gift, "Baron"! Merry Christmas to Linda and our new addition to the Arroyo Family!

Tuesday, December 12

All Saints Guadalupe Pilgrimage

All Saints 7th and 8th Grade's participated in a pilgrimage to St. Thomas More Catholic Church and the Our Lady of Guadalupe Shrine in Tulsa on December 12th. This was my first ambitious field trip and over 50 people participated. Eight wonderful parents and two teachers helped make this pilgrimage a resounding success. Special thanks to Deacon Jose' Perez and Father Carl K from St. Thomas More for the celebration of the Eucharist and presentation about St. Juan Diego and Our Lady of Guadalupe.

Monday, December 11

Knights of Columbus continue campaign to ‘Keep Christ in Christmas'

New Haven, Dec. 08, 2006 (CNA) - The Knights of Columbus have continued with their North American media campaign to “Keep Christ in Christmas”.

Public service announcements (PSAs) in English and Spanish will air on television and radio, encouraging people to remember the real religious significance of the Christmas season and to celebrate it in various meaningful ways, including by helping the less fortunate.

"In the midst of an increasingly materialistic and secular society, it is all too easy to lose sight of what Christmas really means. We give gifts to each other because it is the day on which we celebrate the ultimate gift: the Christ child, the savior of mankind," said Supreme Knight Carl Anderson. "Even those who do not share the Christian faith can and do appreciate the message of peace and hope that this Christian holiday – holy day – brings to the world."

The Knights have been producing the PSAs since the 1980s. The radio and TV spots can be accessed at

Last year, the PSAs reached more than 43 million television viewers and 37 million radio listeners. Hundreds of billboards with the same message were also posted around the country.

This month the Knights kicked off the Christmas season with the "Light up for Christ" program. Councils were encouraged to hold a Christmas tree or Nativity scene lighting ceremony on the first Tuesday of December to commemorate Christ's birth.

Friday, December 8

Immaculate Conception

The Immaculate Conception is a Catholic dogma that asserts that Mary, the mother of Jesus, was preserved by God from the stain of original sin at the time of her own conception. Specifically, the dogma says she was not afflicted by the lack of sanctifying grace that afflicts humankind, but was instead filled with grace by God, and furthermore lived a life completely free from sin. It is commonly confused with the doctrine of the incarnation and virgin birth, though the two deal with separate subjects. According to the dogma, Mary was conceived by normal biological means, but her soul was acted upon by God (kept "immaculate") at the time of her conception.

The Immaculate Conception was solemnly defined as a dogma by Pope Pius IX in his constitution Ineffabilis Deus, published December 8, 1854 (the Feast of the Immaculate Conception), and consecrated by Pope Pius XII in 1942.

The Feast of the Immaculate Conception of Mary had been established in 1476 by Pope Sixtus IV who stopped short of defining the doctrine as a dogma of the Catholic Faith, thus giving Catholics freedom to believe in this or not; this freedom had been reiterated by the Council of Trent. The existence of the feast was a strong indication of the Church´s belief in the Immaculate Conception, even before its 19th century definition as a dogma.

The Catholic Church believes the dogma is supported by scripture (e.g. her being greeted by Angel Gabriel as "full of Grace"), as well as either directly or indirectly by the writings of many of the Church Fathers, and often calls Mary the Blessed Virgin ( Luke 1:48). Catholic theology maintains that since Jesus became incarnate of the Virgin Mary, she needed to be completely free of sin to bear the Son of God, and that Mary is "redeemed 'by the grace of Christ' but in a more perfect manner than other human beings" (Ott, Fund., Bk 3, Pt. 3, Ch. 2, §3.1.e).

In the Catholic Church, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception on 8 December is generally a Holy Day of Obligation, and a public holiday in countries where Catholicism is predominant. Prior to the spread of this doctrine, December 8 was celebrated as the Conception of Mary, since September 8 is the Feast of the Nativity of Mary.

Click here for more on the Immaculate Conception...

Thursday, December 7

Volleyball Awards

The Volleyball Awards were last night and the pictures are available through the link above. I was priviledged to be the coach for the 6th and 7th grade boys and look forward to next season!

Saturday, December 2

Let it Snow....

Well, the weather outside was frightful...

School was out this past week, Thursday and Friday saw first sleet then snow cover the ground with upwards of 10 inches of snow. I know, those that are not from Oklahoma would say, "So?" but, here , that is alot of snow!

Wednesday morning was over 70 degrees and I was wondering what the real reason that I brought my coat was. Then I found out as the temperature dropped more than 40 degrees in less than 24 hours!

Click the link above to see more pictures of the fun in the snow!

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