Sunday, September 16

Arroyo Update

Let's see, for the latest! I am back to being "Mr. A" and loving the classroom. I have been trying, on a shoestring (actually, borrowed "shoestrings!") to get my classroom up and running. I have done pretty good at getting my classroom into shape. I carted my Star Trek models from home to help decorate, used my imagination (well, Linda's imagination too) and this looks like I was made for this!

We did our first lab experiments last week and I am up at the school grading students' Science Journals, taping up seed plantings and trying to finish a paper for my Masters. Busy Sunday!

Monday, September 3


VATICAN CITY, SEP 1, 2007 (VIS) - Pope Benedict XVI's general prayer intention for September is: "That the ecumenical assembly of Sibiu in Romania may contribute to the growth of unity among all Christians, for whom the Lord prayed at the Last Supper."

His mission intention is: "That, following Christ joyfully, all missionaries may know how to overcome the difficulties they meet in everyday life."

Arroyo Model Page Headlines